Tewi Inaba

Tewi Inaba

Attached: Inaba.Tewi.full.593033.jpg (1300x1450, 324.25K)

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is a cum laundering slut

I want to beat the shit out of Tewi Inaba!

Reisen Udongein Inaba!

Attached: 56035299_p0.png (1003x1355, 1.1M)

No she's not!


extremely cute and funny character

Why are bunny girls always purple haired?

They are?

Seems like it, or at least bright pastel colours like blue or pink.

Attached: Erina.jfif.jpg (1219x709, 165.19K)

but tewi (alpha bunny girl) has black hair

evil old hag

is lewd.

Attached: 564656.jpg (2048x1482, 2.18M)

But Tewi is a bunny that's a girl and not a bunny girl?

Reisen is a moon rabbit!

easter colors



Is a good girl and a viable choice for a granny wife.

Attached: jg3qipwq1up41.jpg (800x8531, 1.69M)

Isn't Tewi only a bunny that can turn into a girl like a fox youkai/Chen, while Reisen comes from the capitalist bunny girls from the moon who oppose Gensokyo or at least are huge dicks?

but Reisen is a good girl

Yeah, because she broke away from the oppressive chains of capitalism and her (cute) masters.

No, no she is not, you dumb secondary. She literally hates everyone around her.

I love this easter bunny so much she's the best.

i'm not dumb


Attached: 1509396108891.png (407x514, 133.63K)


Why are bunny girls so sexual?

Oh wow I just had random memory of a LP i watched of the game where LPer refused to show this picture citing a long list of reason.

"A rabbit may normally start breeding at the age of 6 months for the small to medium size breeds and 8 to 9 months for the heavy breeds. The gestation period (time between breeding and kindling) is 31 days. After the doe has kindled, I normally re-breed her at 6 weeks and wean the litter at 5-7 weeks"

because you are one

Please. I don't want to be the bunnygirl, I want to fuck the bunnygirl. Big difference.