Does anyone else make a "game" out of fucking with the captcha?
I consistently pick wrong answers to ruin whatever AI it is that they are attempting to train.
Does anyone else make a "game" out of fucking with the captcha?
I consistently pick wrong answers to ruin whatever AI it is that they are attempting to train.
The old captcha used to be abusable by writing the unclear word as "NIGGER"
i always select shit that's just wrong enough for it to think it's right or not select stuff i'm supposed to. like in most traffic light ones you only need to select the parts with lit up bulbs and the rest barely matters.
>Select the right items for the CAPTCHA
>Fuck you here's another ten to do get fucked goyim
>Select the wrong items for the CAPTCHA
>Your computer seems to be sending out automated requests, get fucked goyim
Fuck you Hiro I'm not buying a pass when you give zero shits about this website.
>block google tracking
>captcha gets much harder
I swear I fail the traffic lights ones 100% of the time. Are the poles and wires considered "traffic lights"? I've tried only selecting the lights and selecting the entire structure, but it always fails
>"Select all the crosswalks"
>Didn't read the words until after I clicked it
>Still gives me a pass for selecting all the traffic lights
I figured that when it keeps giving you multiple images to fill, it knows the answer to the first image but not the second, it tests if you are reliable with the first one and then takes the result from the second one based on that
maybe I'm wrong
Captcha is able to dismiss your obvious attempts of failing, so it doesn't work.
It works plenty times, honestly.
Captchas are so retarded. Cause fuckers are fucking with AI
It's pretty funny that Google actually, intentionally lobotomized their algorithms to make sure they're not accidentally racist.
These days yandex unironically gives better results for everything.
It still is if use listen to audio
no, i bought Yas Forums pass as soon as this captcha shit tried telling me a sub was a sandwich
>google refuses to allow quality of life improvements to the captcha
>won't let you hold down your mouse to perform a dragging action in order to quickly select multiple tiles quickly forcing you to click each one
>tries to justify slow fading tiles as a way to deter bots when all it does is waste the user's time
>all of this while originally claiming that the user would only have to press the check box once during their initial advertising
why did they fucking lie about this?
>Not getting a "Your system is sending automated requests" prompt when choosing the audio option.
What kind of magic sacrifice did you do to get out of that one?
>select all square with bike
>obvious pic of a wheelbarrow
>please try again
I'll subscribe to this conspiracy theory because I got some persistent image range ban for my ISP in the hearth of the second biggest city in my country, I'd rather suck a cock than buy Yas Forums pass
>Wasting your time when thousands of people are giving the AI correct answers and the only one who suffers from your efforts is you
Just get the MoreCAPTCHA script that speeds them up and lets you select multiple boxes with one click and move the fuck on.
So has anyone experienced the horseshit that is hcaptcha? I recently started seeing this on some random sites I was on a couple days back and Humble Bundle uses it as well. Someone, somehow managed to make an alternative that is even worse than reCAPTCHA.
>Images that have the object have the object tinier than a grain of sand so you can't even make it out half the time.
>Solution can be anywhere from two boxes ticked to like six.
>Fails CONSTANTLY even if you picked all the correct choices to the point that it makes those fading reCAPTCHA ones look like the fastest thing in the world for clearing a captcha.
>It things airplanes are trains.
>It thinks trucks are tractors.
>It thinks babies are grown men.
I only had to use it three times and each time it took 3+ minutes to clear it. I was fucking pissed.
I subscribe to it because when using the script mentioned here , those slow fading boxes go away instantaneously. It's literally intentional padding.
Can't say that I do, no.
>captcha is doing that slow fade-out fade-in thing again
>select the right items so that none remain
>there are none remaining
>still thinks im wrong
>has me do the same thing over and over again until i can finally post
I had a pass when the site was under moot. Hell, I even had it whitelisted on adblock. Now I refuse to give money to hiroshima and the complete lack of care that he has for this site.
You literally can't give money to gookmoot, he only accepts monopoly money now. It's why I don't have a pass anymore.
seems like you should skip retard
>tfw I'm a good boy on my WiFi network so Google gives me a pass 99.9% of the time
Those were fun times.
Because J-List was awesome. It could be worse around here, every other chan is crumbling. We're gonna have to retreat to onion links if Yas Forums goes.
They filter out all your wrong answers, retard. Do you really think people who work with neural networks are that fucking stupid? The only thing you are runining is your time.
thanks for the idea, I'll have some fun with this
You can still use regular money if you're renewing your pass. Unless that's been taken out since the last time I renewed.
Nope, not anymore. You have to pay with funny money now.
Someone post the spell card captcha
Guess the streak ends whenever my pass expires, then. Pretty sure there's a script somewhere that fiddles with the captcha here, /g/ has probably slapped something together.
i just used to put space to replace the fake word, it was faster
I've actually forgotten what captchas look like. Sucks to be you.
You just need to write a random word on the search bar. Very out of context.
i miss calle calle
>captchas are used to train AI
>doesnt let you continue if you choose wrong
They already know the answer. What the fuck is there to train?
>newfags will never know these captchas
they know some but not everything, like when it gives you multiple images to fill it knows one of them to test if you are fucking around
>Those times when it just craps the bed and gets you stuck in a loop solving endlessly
>That one time I tried to antagonize it and spend fifteen (15) minutes solving this shit for a single post before I gave up.
How do you guys feel about the fact that next time a Tesla or google car runs someone over, your captcha shitpost could be the cause?
I've been using the Buster captcha solver extension to do it for me instead.
The site was literally unusable before based moot defied your idiot outrage and fixed it by implementing captchas.