Yas Forums says the game is bad

>Yas Forums says the game is bad
>they never give a valid argument on why is bad


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But they have though? They were sometimes combined with retarded arguments based on literally nothing, but there are still plenty that explain why 5 is bad.

only thing bad about P5 is that it doesnt respect your time.
Neets and coomers love it.

Aside from that it's a pretty solid game.

>shit main cast
>braindead easy gameplay
>80 hours too long with 90% filler
>new content is just fakeout filler garbage

I was just thinking this when I was playing it earlier. There's a lot of bullshit with the new semester like the fact that you have to travel by foot to and around shibuya station until 1/9. Also, there is no incentive to wait until the last day to send a calling card like with Sae since you can't level party members until after the boss is finished. You basically get rewarded most for one daying palaces and doing all the dungeon parts (the best parts) as soon as possible to prioritize socialize and raise stats. Working is basically useless in Royal because of Jose, not that I did that shit anyway, and you only really do it for those 3 or 4 requests that you have to work to get the names for.

It's a solid game I've sunk a bit over 300 hours in across vanilla and Royal, but holy fuck are you right that it doesn't respect the players time.

The only jrpg I have played and I liked it overall
i hate turn based encounters though, they're a chore

I mean I can say why I dislike it but Yas Forums will just tell me that my opinion is wrong or doesn't count or whatever
>the story is at it's most tense during the first dungeon, gets less and less interesting after that the further the game goes. This actually seems to be something even people who like the game agree on from what I've seen
-silent MC is a shit fit for this type of game and also poorly designed in this instance, you never feel like you have any meaningful input on anything
>rest of the cast are pretty unlikable, they're all mindless dicksucking gophers for Joker with no minds of their own for the most part
>partly due to how long the game is the combat becomes extremely repetitive and dull, also the overworld is pretty dull and barren too
>the school simulation stuff where after a while it's just you repeating tasks to increase stats or doing confidants which are mostly pretty samey and uninteresting barring a handful of exceptions
>dishonest shilling by both Yas Forums and video game reviewers is partly a factor too, everyone said that "even if you dislike JRPGs usually you'll love this" when in fact it's the most intentionally cliche anime JRPG ever
I dunno what the other Persona games are like so can only judge this one, I certainly have no interest in going near this series again after this game though

Contrarianism. The way I use this site is if someone here says something is bad, it means it's good. For some reason people here think that it makes them cool or smart or something. Right now the popular opinion here is P3 is the best one. Once most people start saying that here, they'll start saying P5 is the best one.

4 is the best one but still shit compared to SMT and other spinoffs.

I agree 4 is the best but right now the "cool" opinion is 3>4>5

sounds like you're being a contrarian

Being a contrarian to contrarianism brings things back to normal perspective, it's like a double negative cancelling itself out.

The game is not bad at all, it's just that atlus is kind of scummy selling it as a 60 bucks rerelease with no possibility for original buyers to upgrade their game through dlc

It made after other Persona game obsolete, that's why P3 and P4 fans hate it. It's the only game that is challenging in the series and that filtered 90% of the fanbase in first dungeon. Rest can't cope how shit random dungeons are and how P5 BTFOs it in every single way.

>For some reason people here think that it makes them cool or smart or something.
Or maybe not everyone likes the game? Most people who do are actually able to explain why and incidentally whenever they do they just get ignored so people like OP can repeat this rhetoric that no one ever explains why
look at this thread even, the only posts that have no replies are the ones where anons are saying why they disliked the game

It's a game from Japan so fucking terribly directed that it disqualifies any western cinematic game from critique.


>It's the only game that is challenging in the series
>first dungeon
It's piss easy though.

Personafags genuinely need to be in a hugbox to function normally
the games are a big dicksucking hugbox for them and they need conversations to work the same way too

For a game about "WAKE UP, GET UP, REVOLUTION!! FUCK THE SYSTEM!!!" the game acts as if the "Bad Guys" are "Lone Actors" and the Phantom Thieves take down those "Lone Actors" instead of the systems and power structures that allowed them to exist.

Not only that, the Phantom Thieves were literally tools the entire time, being controlled by the elites. Persona 5 is one of the most status quo boot licking games ever.

The worst part in my opinion is the fact that all their "acts of rebellion" literally happen within a "pretend world" that doesn't fucking exist. That opening sequence SEEMS awesome until you actually get to that point in the story and all of the people in the Casino, the Casino itself and the "owner" of that Casino are literally not real at all.
The Phantom Thieves are like a kid that gets bullied, then goes home and makes up an imaginary world where they are super strong and get back at all the bullies.
The story would have a LOT more impact if the Phantom Thieves:
1. Actually did Crimes instead of pretend to do them in an imaginary world
2. Actually were 'oppressed' or came from marginalized groups and backgrounds instead of a group of rich students attending a Private ELITE Academy in fucking Tokyo. (exclusing Yusuke)

Seriously, imagine how fucking cool the story would be if the main characters actually committed REAL CRIMES and were morally ambiguous, but no, in our game about rebelling we have to have the students be good little boys and girls, go to school on time and go to bed on time.

Just read JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. It's what Persona wants to be, but it sucks.

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To elaborate on the Phantom Thieves coming from Privileged backgrounds:
Joker: Backstory Ambiguous, still goes to an Elite Private School though
Ryuji: Actually does have issues, still goes to an Elite Private School though
Ann: Literally a super model without even trying, her only problem is that she's "too perfect". Gee, what a fucking problem.
Yusuke: Actually is poor as fuck and worked hard to get to where he is
Makoto: Gets straight A's and her Sister is a Japanese Prosecutor which on the low end make at least six figures, not sure the living expenses of Tokyo (which are probably high) but god damn does she have nothing to worry about AT ALL.
Futaba: Actually does have issues, but is also a genius fucking computer hacker.
Haru: Literally the daughter of a zillionaire.

This is why it pisses me off so much when Morgana says, "People should get over their problems like we did!" when literally all of the main characters benefit from the status quo of society and have all the opportunity in the world, not to mention that Morgana and the Phantom Thieves LITERALLY WERE GIVEN MAGICAL FUCKING SUPER POWERS.

I hate Persona 5 so much because if it's your first Persona game, you love it, but if you've played any of the other ones or read JoJo's, it's shit instantly.

What's worse is that Royal really isn't a standalone product itself. So far I've only passed the first palace, but the new content greatly alters the original context and narrative from the very beginning. It's cool if you've played the original, but it's objectively weaker and in some places, pretty awkward.

For example, the introduction, which is supposed to introduce the character to Joker is now split to show you how cool Kasumi is. Kasumi herself is a complete mary-sue. Whenever she's on screen everybody is talking about how great she is. When she's off screen, the NPCs are STILL gushing about how cool she is.

Then there's Jose. Atlus couldn't have picked a worse time to introduce him. Mementos is supposed to feel lonely and barren, and now you meet a friendly kid at the very start. His tutorial is way too long, especially keeping in mind that you were just given a tutorial about mementos and requests.

That's not too say that it's all bad. I still like kasumi, and I'm interested in seeing where the story goes with Jose, plus the new additions to the gameplay/palaces is cool. Royal is an awkward middle ground that screws old players out of $60 and new players out of the original narrative.

>the game acts as if the "Bad Guys" are "Lone Actors" and the Phantom Thieves take down those "Lone Actors" instead of the systems and power structures that allowed them to exist.
You weren't paying attention at all. Did you just stop playing after Shido?

Hey it’s about time the stereotypical meme copy pasta has been made by Yas Forums tards. Took you long enough the masterpiece that is persona 5. Stay salty switch fags.

>Yas Forums says the game is bad, and lists exact reasons why
>Fans of said game go out of their way to justify poorly executed design choices, cracks in the story, skip over arguments entirely, or cover their ears and call people shitposters or console warriors to cope with something they like being bashed
P5 itself isn't bad, but it's inherently flawed in a number of areas. Royal isn't any better, and most of the new content is locked to the very ending.

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Persona 5 can be flawed, but it's by no means a bad game.

It's easy to say no one gives valid criticism when you call literally all complaints invalid

>posts coom automata
Opinion discarded

>Using coom as an argument in a Persona thread
Have some self awareness at least.

I pirated it, put 60-70 hours on the vanilla version and I would never replay this game in my entire life ever again. Don't know how anyone could waste 300 hours of his life playing this

You posted a Visual Novel though.

3 > 5 > 4*

No one said it was a bad game