Signs that this game was made in America

Well Yas Forums?

Attached: America.png (250x250, 11.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ugly women

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gameplay is either experimental or generic
pr manager is a kike

>it has to be the russians
>or the chinese
>or the iranians


Everyone is very rude. Keeps talking like this. Rarely start a sentence with a pronoun.

Niggers everywhere, all with a heart of gold.

Forced racial diversity where it doesn't belong
Female characters proudly talk about their ex boyfriends
Russians are evil by default
At least one gay character that cannot be evil

>everybody stands up and claps when the burgers are brought to the table

Waypoints everywhere
Small boobs

It has a well written, non-cringe story that has nothing to do with female empowerment.

Developers have pronouns listed in they/their Twitter bio.

Games made in america, not Anywhere else

Ugly gorilla women.
Ugly visual style, just grimy and smeared in shit.
Mash X to awesome.
Mindnumbling easy.

what does burger music sound anyway?

it has niggers


that's Canada

a not so subtle political agenda baked into the plot
cringey Avenger's-tier writing and humor
open world just for the sake of being open world
DLC, lootboxes, season passes, etc. etc.
utterly generic orchestral soundtrack
emphasis on "storytelling" over actual gameplay

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Quippy dialogue ripped straight from a capeshit movie.

Actually kind of true, a lot of the worst offenders from American publishers are actually made by Canadians or Europeans.

Everyone refers to people exclusively as them/they, like the new animal crossing.

Afro girl

Canada did that to DR4


It exists

>Burgers restore HP

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>it's a weight gain level, every level


It's fun.

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has "MADE IN AMERICA" proudly stamped on the box/on the title screen