Home alone on a friday night? God you're pathetic.
Home alone on a friday night? God you're pathetic
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It’s technically Saturday now you stupid fucking dummy dumb
Everything's closed down, and I sure as shit don't have any friends or a girlfriend to hang out with. So yeah, I'm home alone. Eating and watching futurama.
I work graveyard shift, and my wifes asleep. I have the day off finally so I earned looking at hentai until the sun rises.
This, what a dipshit.
I mean, there's a quarantine so.
New gaem when?
what's the matter? couldn't find the jpg?
you can be home and not alone on a friday night. well, maybe not you user.
Yea and my thread was off topic
Before this thread gets deleted, what game is this
God those animations are awful
jackie chan
I dont think thats a game
>see if filename is game
I keep forgetting the sauce of these please help me before it 404s for the love of god
Wouldn't have it any other way.
Ah, I remember that game. It was one of the last in a time when Yas Forums allowed discussion of hentai/porn games.
Those threads genuinely had good discussion. That was what, six years ago?
Ever since I got fired because of the onions sauce sickness I've regressed back into a neet where the days all feel the same. I'm not getting anything done like I thought I would back as a wagie.
Why is all of the music for the anime so fucking good?
Also sauce for the big tiddy game.
why so desperate user? it couldn't be... you want to see us n a k e d? Well... i guess its alright if its you....
based word filter fucked up your alliteration lol
just kidding, lol
If everyone is stuck at home technically demand should be soaring for most typical things.
If you had the strength to pull yourself out of neetdom once you shouldn't regress. Keep your momentum user.
You’re an evil bastard, user
>title say Rondo Duo(1)
literally epic
>got fired because corona
>apply for unemployment
>make way more fucking money than I did as a wagie
>mfw I see my free trumpbux
yeah I have my waifu so fuck off
Thank you
Forgot that word was filtered, nobody even uses the word as an insult anymore.
>was going to fap to senran kagura
>going to have to fap to this now instead
being a coomer is not a choice, its a job
Goddammit how do I get this good at tweening?
>It was one of the last in a time when Yas Forums allowed discussion of hentai/porn games.
Yas Forums has good hentai game threads a couple times a month user.
Not enough stress in your life to keep you motivated. Boredom and Stress is a very fine line to keep motivation going with.
alright anons, it's time for your dose of Vitamine D3 due to the lockdown.
>that imouto thread
good shit
lurk more