Just finished my first playthrough of Three Houses...

Just finished my first playthrough of Three Houses. Is it worth it to buy this DLC before playing the rest of the routes? I've heard some complaints about it so I need some feedback. Also Fire Emblem thread I guess.

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honestly it kinda sucks, if you have some coins or something it's worth it, but i wouldn't pay $25 for it unless you thought the base game was worth more or something

Mod your Year-1 switch and install HBG.

Otherwise, no, it's not worth it at all unless you really love FE and 3H. Personally I loved the DLC and thought they should've just sold it as a standalone game for $15 since a lot of people don't feel like grinding through the slog that is Part One of the main game to actually enjoy it.

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Despite the story being about Fodlan's Greatest Cuckold, the maps are fun, and the girl on the left is an OHOHOHO girl, so it automatically makes her the best.

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Unfortunately no. The story is trash, the maps are heavily reused from the main game, and they just have really sloppy and uninteresting enemy placement in most of the levels, bar two.
Finished blue lions at launch and intended on coming back post dlc to do golden deer but the disappointment from the DLC led to me bailing on that idea.
Wouldn't recommend picking it up, especially considering how nothing all the other DLC was anyway

what exactly is an OHOHOHO girl?

>No bullshit "Support" points
>No bullshit grinding
>No bullshit fetch quests clogging up the game
>No bullshit added minigames or side lectures
>Story gets right to the point
>Maps are actually unique and challenging
>Characters are well-written

I wish the main game was like this and just compacted into a 40-hour game. But nope, gotta appeal to the Awakening waifufags. It amazes me how FE has turned into this. Cindered Shadows really showed off what could've been a really damn good game that could have sold a lot more. But it's impossible to recommend a game that is such a drag in part one.

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>that could have sold a lot more

Depends. Do you enjoy the game? If building up your army & the war strategy appeal to you, the DLC is worth it because it adds new people and new classes to slide your soldiers into.

As for the story, it also depends on what route you took. Blue Lions is by far the worst and least satisfying route, followed by the Church route. You will want to play Black Eagles or Golden Deer to fully experience how great the game is despite its myriad tiny flaws.

>Blue Lions is by far the worst and least satisfying route

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Because it's just about Dimitri and his personal issues which doesn't mean shit if you don't think he's interesting. The other three were all better.

Not at full price by any means.
Cindered Shadows has the best balance of difficulty in the game when played on Hard as well as fun characters to use, but shit ain't worth $25. Especially since the characters appear haphazardly in the main game with no recollection of the DLC or you after you complete it.

High royal class, weak to anal, tendency to laugh like an ojousama, and capable of instantkilling four units across the entire map each battle

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He's saying that she's of the Ojou-sama archetype (rich girl) and that she has a certain type of laugh commonly associated with them.

What grinding? I didn't have to grind at all for levels during the campaign even on hard difficulty.

only four units?

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Only the four wolves are new, but they also come with their new classes Dark Flier, War Monk, Trickster, and Valkyrie. The DLC scenario is pretty fun too since it lets you use the three main lords together again, and it's more like an open ended puzzle since your gear and classes are limited*

*Other than Sword of the Creator which recharges ALMOST every story chapter.

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she isn't in the dlc

>No bullshit "Support" points
>No bullshit grinding
>No bullshit fetch quests clogging up the game
>No bullshit added minigames or side lectures
>Story gets right to the point

But you don't have to do any of this in TH?

I liked the DLC way more than the main game, and I already liked the main game.
My favourite Fire Emblem experience in forever, and I've at the very least played all the officially localized ones.

But a lot of people seem to look down upon it for whatever the reasons. I thought it was absolutely excellent though. The only downside would be how it's really kind of short. Which is a shame, but it's a wild ride from beginning to end.

The game really punishes you if you don't do a lot of these things. For example, progress slows down if you don't keep your students happy by doing bullshit things like finding items for them or doing the dinning hall activities.

i just started the side story. does it give reward you with anything afterwards? whats the point other than playing for story?

You unlock the Ashen Wolves as recruitable units and extra classes like Trickster for the main game, though I think you only need to beat the first level for that.

You unlock the content, classes included, partially throughout. And need to beat all of it in order to unlock all of the content.
The first chapter is only one character I think. Can't remember.

it really doesn't

>Finishes just one route and drops it
>Has a shitty opinion on Yas Forums
Lol, every time


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fucking kill yourself

You will be first seething autist

you should play a better fire emblem game

What do you mean the game punishes you? Getting support levels isn't even required to progress the game for the most part so you don't need to return the lost items at all


Just has to push the seethe that FE is innovating onto others, ignore him
After the first playthrough you can skip most of those through NG+ options