How the FUCK is this slow and clunky piece of shit with only 4 directional rolling is rated more highly than Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3? Is it just nostalgia? Fuck me for trying it in 2020 I guess.
How the FUCK is this slow and clunky piece of shit with only 4 directional rolling is rated more highly than Bloodborne...
yep. nostalgia is unironically a hell of a drug. this game aged like milk.
>Is it just nostalgia?
don't think so, only played the series in order last year. take off your clothes if you wanna move faster
>he locks on
laughing at your life
idk nigga
game feels pretty fuckin’ smooth to me.
I love how ds1 feels and I played the series backwards
get filtered fag
>clicks in right stick to lock off
>can now play claw and dodge in any direction i want while moving the camera to aim my attacks
Same. Dark Souls 1 is just so control to play compared to the other games
Dude, this game has a greatshield with 88 stability that literally lets you block FOREVER.
And poise is always on and can be used on any build. You can first try every boss in the game just by face tanking and chugging.
It's an old game, temper your expectations.
you're just a zoomer, i first played in 2016 and it's easily the best game ever made.
I couldn't beat Ornstein and Smough several years ago and quit like a bitch. Game's good, though.
Might as well play on M+KB then. Unlocked rolling is still only 8 directions which is fine for WASD and with the mouse you don't need to claw.
(also the game gets shit after that fight)
>It's an old game
Still seems new to me.
playing dks on m+kb is peak gamer and borderline unplayable dogshit
I can't do it and I have tried over and over again. I played BB first and it became my fav ever game. Then did DS3 and it was hugely enjoyable. Now I am trying DSR and its like a broken piece of shit. Why couldnt they remaster the game to update it with current gen controls (and graphics desu).
>Unlocked rolling is still only 8 directions
This is wrong, there are many different angles you can roll at unless you are playing with some kind of fucked up dead zone.
nice bait
all things considered, this game was a quick cashgrab by Bamco. at the very least they could have fixed the rolling while locked-on, i agree.
>I can't do it
yes you can, stfu. here your weapons actually have weight to them, so act carefully
>And poise is always on and can be used on any build
What does that have to do with the game being old? It's the proper way to implement poise.
oh god, I can't believe I'm about to say this. It has more heart and more soul than the other two. You can tell the devs cared a lot about refining and innovating on the previous game as opposed to just recycling it. Bloodborne has some good unique stuff to it, but DaS3 is entirely rehash. I (and most people who prefer DaS1) prefer originality to minor gameplay improvements.
>Is it just nostalgia?
Yes. And most 1fags didn't play Demon's Souls first so they don't understand just how much Dark Souls stole from it.
>at the very least they could have fixed the rolling while locked-on
the game wasn't balanced around free range lock on rolling, just play unlocked. manual camera control is superior in every conceivable way. the only thing holding someone back from playing unlocked is low player skill.
Dark Souls is just Demon's Souls 1.5, but with less soul.
You really should've played them in the release order, but...
>Pyromancer is the best class stat wise + you get the flame immediately
>always pick Master Key as the gift
>you mid roll under 50% equip load (still slow af) and fast roll under 25% (still a bit slower than DS3 but not completely horrible)
>fast roll i-frames are the same as in DS3, but the timing is a bit different
>there's no handy equip % counter in the inventory, you have to calculate it yourself
>knowing all this you should be fast rolling right from the beginning and never ever mid or fat roll
>just look up how to get Havel Ring + Ring of Favor and Protection, both are available in the first 2 areas, combined they give you +75% max equip weight
>parrying is much easier than in DS3 and can be a very fun thing to do, you can even parry ultras
>pyromancy doesn't scale off any stat, just upgrade the pyro flame and enjoy it on any build
Have fun, this stuff should be told to all newcomers IMO. Really improves the whole experience.
I just played this for the first time recently and it's one of my favorite games of all time. Nostalgia has nothing to do with it, for me at least.
I don't think this game is rated higher than DS3 by most people and definitely isn't rated higher than Bloodborne by the vast majority.
I actually love the slow fatroll gameplay of demon's souls and dark souls. Makes it feel like a survival horror resident evil game, helps too that from put more care into designing the environment back then.
>And most 1fags didn't play Demon's Souls first so they don't understand just how much Dark Souls stole from it.
Why do you think it's bad to reuse elements from the previous game in the series? Literally every game series does that.
that's such a nice painting
I unironically love seeing dumb zoomers get filtered by games that don't control the exact same way as every other new game
No, you just don't know the mechanics. Don't fat roll. Learn to block and parry.
>I didn't play them in release order and now I can't get over some arbitrary QoL downgrade
Color me shocked. Play shit in release order next time or stop being a pussy.
>Dark Souls is just Demon's Souls 1.5
>but with less soul
eh, I disagree. The new world and lore helps even the recycled elements feel at least somewhat fresh, whereas 3 suffers greatly from being in the same universe as DaS1. BB isn't bad by any means, but it's just not my cup of tea. A little to action gamey, but I respect BB fans far more than DaS3 fans, even if they can be obnoxious.
DS3 also recycles a buttload from DeS even including whole areas like the dungeon but ain't nobody complaining about it because no one played DeS.
>had more trouble with capra, stray/firesage and centipede demon than pikachu and snorlax
>beat pikachu and snorlax on first try
fuck niggers and fuck jannies
>the only thing holding someone back from playing unlocked is low player skill
yeah, i guess. i'm more comfortable unlocked with KB+M since that's what i finished my first playthrough with. only bought a controller recently and looking around with sticks is just... so... sloooooooow.... nice to finally sit back and relax, though, as opposed to slouching towards the screen.
>Unlocked rolling is still only 8 directions
No, it's as many angles as the analogue stick allows.
So 360 directions.
Same here Yas Forumsrother. Started with Bloodborne and worked my way down and I love them all
It is nostalgia. PCfags never got a taste of Demons Souls so they thought Dark Souls was as good as it gets, with all it's jank and mess.
There are slight bumps in the terrain that block your path, weird part of the terrain makes you slip off to your death, enemies attack through...etc. Try to make your way out from the bottom of Great Hollow to Blighttown and you will experience what i am talking about.
I have both DSR and DS3 installed right now and it's not the sticks, the camera sensitivity in DSR is just way too low even when maxed at out at 10.
t. plays DS3 with sensitivity 8