I want a fun flying game for VR, is this a complete shit show because of all the DLC?
Is there a better alternative I can look into?
I want a fun flying game for VR, is this a complete shit show because of all the DLC?
look up DCS World if you fancy fighter jets
>all the DLC
Elite is a shitshow, but Horizons is not the reason. It'd probably be one of the best VR games you could get, even more if you get voice attack. Just stay away from the online, shits kinda fucked with the balance of...everything.
Elites awesome goes on sale pretty often too.
If you like flying 45 minutes from point A to B in pitch black then yes this game is for you.
It's on sale right now via Humble Store, I believe. Base game plus all DLCs for
It can be very enjoyable, but the game is also a massive grind if you want to play anything that isn't a starter ship. Just remember that this is a sandbox where you have to make your own fun and most actual gameplay is extremely shallow and repetitive.
elite is fucking awesome especially in VR.
It's do whatever you want in space. you get 0 direction and guidance and have total freedom. Up to you how to use it, you can have fun or you can be a total fucking corradooty retard and
Whatever you do find a free version of obs drop and watch netflix on a virtual monitor in your spaceship while you fly around.
It's peakest of peak comfy.
It was 15 about a week ago on steam
I went from starter ship to cobra iii, aka one of the best ships in the game in like 10 hours and I did miniscule income space trucking and regular mining, avoiding void opals and all other meme meta shit.
Horizons is actually a sole content dlc for the game, the rest is skins for your ships and shit. Game itself is pretty comfy if you're into space sims
DLC isn't an issue, Elite has micro but its all just shiny cosmetic shit. Horizons is worth it IMO just for the planet dickery alone
But like other anons have said its a very slow burn game with a whole lot of nothing between periods of something. It can seem really boring if you don't have a plan on what you want to do.
If you do decide to get it, do what suggested and avoid online, at least open play. If you really wanted to play with others there are what are essentially player-hosted private servers that follow a ruleset to enforce PvE-only play.
If you ever wanted to try PvP in a semi-balanced setting there's the arena mode called CQC, I say semi-balanced because as a new player you will absolutely struggle, its essentially matchmaking without any kind of ELO system right now because its usually dead so good players will shit on you, but at least its not like open where they'd shit on you and you would have zero chance of fighting back.
A bit misleading.
>best early ships*
>shits kinda fucked with the balance of...everything.
Elaborate please.
Elite is mechanically well made, but incredibly boring. Most people who enjoy it say they enjoy the feeling of mindless repetitive stuff. Not even joking, I know one personally and see this comment online all the time.
I'm personally about to hop back into X4, but probably isn't what you want. The flight aspect isn't as crisp as Elite, nor does it look as good, but there are more interesting things to do IMO. Not by much, but definitely enough. I feel like the space genre is really hurting right now.
its a game in contant beta that has like 5 people working on it
great potentional wasted by the eternal anglo
yeah elite is not without its problems but if they got proper writers to do real quests and interesting storylines and shit it could easily be the only truly great space sim.
All I have tried is VTOL which is fun but I wish there was multiplayer, a zombie mode, and an fps mode. I want to drop hot sticky loads on a zombie city and land on a highway when I run out of fuel
Elite taunts you with how it could actually be a game, but it isn't. There is nothing there.
Basically if you grindan hard you can reach the META in PvP no new player will reach in double digit amount of hours. The only balanced PvP mode is dead, because both the devs and the playerbase are retarded.
>I want a fun flying game for VR, is this a complete shit show because of all the DLC?
There is literally only one DLC for this game, which has been out and consistently updated for like six years no, what the actual fuck.
Elite has a lot of issues, a LOT of issues, but this is literally the only thing that is NOT a problem about it. How do you do this, Yas Forums? How do you fuck up in the most rudimentary yet creative new ways EVERY SINGLE TIME?
The VR in ED is really stunning, but it's a very niche game. It's for the kind of person who enjoys spending hours in a flight or truck simulator, but at the same time it's not nearly as complex as an actual flight simulator. You kind of have to make your own content and set your own goals. If you like the idea of sightseeing in space, and want to experience the sense of scale from a full size galaxy that's so dauntingly big that it's almost to the game's detriment, you might like this game. Big bonus points if you want to be a space trucker. The community is pretty good too, I suggest checking out The Pilot youtube channel, he makes really good ship reviews.
I'm one of the weirdos who gets a kick out of the scale of the galaxy. Being way out in the black where literally nobody has been before. So far from civilized space it would probably take me days of constant play just to get back home.
>I'm one of the weirdos who gets a kick out of the scale of the galaxy. Being way out in the black where literally nobody has been before. So far from civilized space it would probably take me days of constant play just to get back home.
I gotta say the prospect of going to the edge of the galaxy seems like a big achievement and oddly comfy too. Collecting fuel, planning the routes and scanning the galaxy is pretty comfy.
This game is ok I just keep hoping it gets better. I think them taking the mmo approach is a mistake.
It is. There's a whole community who does that sort of thing. Actually getting to the point where you have a ship that's capable of leaving the bubble of civilization and never coming back is it's own journey too. I like to do it ships that really weren't meant to, though it takes a lot modification to get them to that point.
There's also this fuel rats group, right? E:D is an impressive experience, but I wish they allowed a little more fun. I gave up trying to be a bounty hunter when I noticed missions don't stack up, so instead of killing 20 pirates for 5 people, I have to kill 100. Gets tiring especially in a shitty ship when they also hyperdrive away.
I had a lot of fun in CQC but it's very dead, and if you get matched with someone, you just know he's some top 20 autist, because nobody else plays the game.
Elite has very good VR potential, but it have very slow gameplay, I think.
And there is only one DLC - Horizons.
Also pulsars are godlike shit
Yeah I dont mess with combat very much, though I hear it's a lot of fun with flight assist off. I mostly explore and trade while I listen to audiobooks or watch shows. Here's hoping the new expansion later this year adds some more content.
Yeah, combat's pretty great, CQC when it works is easily one of my favourite VR games and best arcade shooter period. Not even Ace Combat gets this fun.
But usually it's just 1v1 with some top 10 fag that's untouchable because he's triple CQC elite.
>I noticed missions don't stack up, so instead of killing 20 pirates for 5 people, I have to kill 100
Fun fact: They do.
You just need to get a contract on the same faction from multiple different mission-givers. If you have taken missions to shoot down a 15 of the same pirates from four different stations, or from different factions within one station, each kill WILL count to all of the missions.
Elite Dangerous is one of those games where its actually much improved by doing it VR
Its apparently got a reputation for being mediocre just on the monitor but the VR dimension adds a lot to it
I'd rather do road to riches or whatever meme mining thing is META now.
seeing the planets and asteroid belts in true 3d is fucking incredible
Sure. Even if you stack missions, they pay isn't THAT great and it can quickly becomes a dull grind anyway, as you usually need around 40 kills for a measily 15 million or so: missions are never, NEVER a really efficient way to raise mid-game and late-game bank.
That said, if you are playing Elite to min-max your profits, you are already playing it wrong, honestly. It's one of the main reasons why so many people have a problem with it. Doing something in Elite to grind up money, rather than doing it because you find it fun, is stupid, because let's be honest: there is nothing to spend that fucking money on to begin with. Aside from the upcoming Fleet Carries, which are utterly and completely fucking POINTLESS anyway, there is no reason to worry about grind efficiency, it just makes you burn out on the game even faster.
Elite is at it's best when you find for small things to enjoy. Picking up a nice faction and helping them to rise to prominence, or a system in distress to help - or exploit even further. Same goes for exploration: it's most fun when you are in no hurry, and no worry about whenever you are grinding paychecks efficiently.