Yas Forums - Shitposting

Yas Forums - Shitposting

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is she dead?

this not the 4channelĀ® experience I subscribed for

Ok that was fucking rad

This is fake, right? How the fuck would this even happen?

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How does that even happen? lol


is this Argentina?

Maybe some kind of car accident


Probably the tire of a truck ran over her neck and her skull pushed out of her head.

that big leaf fell on her

>skull comes out from the head

You can't just separate muscle tissue from bone like a banana peel, that thing jumped out of her body clean and loose like a marble out of a sock

Sad skull is sad


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well, atleast it better than getting gangraped...

w-was she okay?

can a big leaf do all that damage?

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god daamn...why did i watch it damn..


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best thread on Yas Forums right now

Not watching, what is it?

>You can't just separate muscle tissue from bone like a banana peel
You absolutely can

>yfw the skeleton inside you is trying to escape RIGHT NOW

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What did he expect was going to happen?

Woman's skull popped clean out of her face, eyeball still in-tact

>all thar beer
dude's already dead

Best thread on Yas Forums in six months

Why the fuck would anyone let themselves get into this situation

Why are they angry? The bull won

WTF indians learned how to get skeletons to leave us alone?!?!

mods mods

why do people keep doing this shit

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Skull is definitely shopped in, otherwise the head would be deflated

people get bored

muh culture

this is why I never go outside

bonus eruptus

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Holy fuck

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their lives suck so much that they don't fear death

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Probably some holdover from violent Aztec/Mayan sacrifices, games, and rituals.

ponder the fragrance

>ragdoll physics

You must be new here- It's nerve gas of course.

I'm pretty sure that's Spain

>Aztec/Mayan sacrifices
Either bait or literal retard.

>Bulls are native to NA
Read a book retard

this ain't my first gore rodeo but honestly, do you like this sort of thing OP?? like do you enjoy it? get help man

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They do bull runs in Mexico too
Not just Spain


skeletons have taken their first victim in the skeketon human war

Looks like she wasn't skulled enough to get ahead!

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It has nothing to do with ancient cultures though since bulls are brought over from Europe

I mean he probably didn't expect those people to pour that nerve gas on him at the last second. I reckon he walks away from that otherwise.

the only event in Mexico remotely like that it's called huamantlada. it's very popular but the bulls are very small, almost calfs

People breed these bulls and train them as killers. They specifically fucking force their horns to grow into that way, and then they rile them up daily and give them other shit to kill and humanlooking objects.

Then they supply them to these races in the hopes theyll murder people.

>using a doomguy as a negative reaction for gore

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Murican education.