Everybody point and laugh at BFV's failure.
Everybody point and laugh at BFV's failure
What war is this scene depicting again?
the worst/best part is that there will always be niggerfaggots denying that making a WWII centered around women and blacks didn't play a major part in the game's downfall
Maybe now they'll just remake BF2142 like everyone wants them to.
WW2 depicted by far left Swedish developers
Nobody (who matters) would have cared about having female and black characters if 1) the game was actually good and 2) they didn't start insulting their own customer base. Now it will just be used as a scapegoat while the shitty game design and pathetic trend chasing which were the real problems get ignored.
They wouldn't dare consider it. same type of douche who thinks Disney star wars failed due to franchise fatigue.
>Nobody (who matters) would have cared about having female and black characters
They did care, that's why EA was so assblasted with their feedback, and that's why the game ultimately failed
Meanwhile, Apex Legends and CoD4remake make a gazillion dollars with female and black characters everywhere. BFV was just a shit game at its core.
Those games aren't WW2 games, m8.
One of them is literally a far-future game that doesn't even take place on earth.
The war on for your mind.
based and 100% correct pilled
retarded and never-learns pilled
daily reminder “We stand up for the cause, because I think those people who don’t understand it, well, you have two choices: either accept it or don’t buy the game,”
>don't buy the game
I like girls in my shooters and I was hoping for them to be a rare playables ever since Battlefield 3. Especially in Battlefield 4 when they teased the female character in the campaign.
Then they go full retard with it in ww2 out of all periods.
This (still amazingly relevant) video from 2018 was posted to the BFV subreddit and so many comments were "Why did he have to bring up women as the problem when there's been som many other problems to complain about?".
Sounds like they're smarter than you. A WW2 game was a bad choice to try to base a game on cosmetic microtransactions, but BFV would not suddenly be a good game if you removed women. It would still be exactly as shit as it was.
It would have to been a really good game. The setting used in BFV is so played out. The niggers and womyn focus was the cherry ontop.
Well what one (1) thing would you say would have to be removed/improved to make the game good?
One thing is not going to do it. If they weren't chasing the battle royale trend they might (keyword: might) have actually put some effort into making a good Battlefield game. But who knows. BF1 was also shit.
Ok thanks for confirming you're retarded.
Shut up, faggot. Nobody wants this crap in their games.
Were the women Russian at least? I didn't actually buy the game.
Good argument.
>black guy
>Jewish guy
>guy with a "im manly" beard
fucking christ. battlefield is really getting desperate now arent they
Nope, they were on all sides.
the robot arm is stupider then a woman being in the game imo.
>Still no all women paraplegic reboot of Apocalypse Now
Why even live?
Jesus Christ that is some awful design for a WW2 game. I thought it was a press shot from Horizon Zero Dawn or a Far Cry game.
All sides. I played the game when I tried the EA Access pass thing and it was honestly jarring to hear women screaming everywhere. I sincerely had no opinion on them including it or not but it was so fucking weird to hear random women screaming loudly so often.
Being a Battlefield player it really disgusts me when Yas Forums shits on the game. Not because it doesn't deserve it, but because all anyone here can do is cry about cosmetics that weren't even in the final product and reeeee women and coloreds.
The game at it's core was a gigantic fucking trainwreck, every single aspect of the game other than being able to revive as any class and build cover was shit. Criticizing Dice for being massive fuck ups that couldn't even just take BF1 and give it WW2 guns without lighting the entire thing on fire is a lot more valuable than gamergate faggotry.
The only war that ever really mattered.
You know full well that it's easier to complain about surface level shit than it is to actually point out flaws in the game because you need to actually play and have some understanding of how it works before you know why it doesn't work.