Play Risk of Rain
Play Risk of Rain
Other urls found in this thread:
Glowing Meteorite is the Thinking Man's equipment.
redpill me on
>risk of rain 1
>risk of rain starstorm
>risk of rain 2
>risk of rain 2 ten mans
>risk of rain 3
I like all of them
How the fuck do I beat fucking monsoon as Huntress stage 5 is bullshit.
Also have a doodle.
can someone post the merc-imp design pls
of course I forgot to upload the doodle
also here's the super secret tip to beating stage 5 as huntress
input trial of and skip the fucking level there is nothing in that level that is worth dealing with every shitty enemy type imaginable
Where is the file or guide to unlock everything for ROR2?
Here u go bro, so help with
Get her alt M1 first, then prioritize attack speed, crit, and on hit. And don't get hit either.
So I was playing Huntress and trying to unlock the dont take dmg achievement while in snowpoint and I had transcendance. Does that not count?
It's don't drop below 100% health isn't it? Chances are that includes shield health so you'd want topaz brooches to have buffer health.
jesus fucking christ. Why are the challenges to unlock abilities so hard? This and the Merc one seem fucking impossible
how does one unlock baroness on starstorm
because the game isn't playtested
Last prismatic trial was actually free as fuck for merc (and realized afterwards it may have worked for that huntress one too)
It was command on snow level so you were able to just get brooches and then grab the preon for the boss. Then it went to stage 5 and if you used the artifact portal (which was right by the start) it just ends the trial.
10 man?
Oh swarms was on too so it made it easy to keep consistent max barrier.
so thiis is like some pvp shit? its cheap on g2a so im thinking about it?
no. most of the time at least.
it's a 2D (ror1) or 3D (ror2) roguelite where everything on the planet wants to kill you and you try to kill them first.
It's fun to play in Yas Forums lobbies but playing by yourself is fun too
very nice
post aftermath
well, that was fun
what kind of hell mode is this
>Unlock Ravenous Bite
Isn't being full melee suicide though unless you got mobility?
when you play MULT every enemy is a blazing titan. that webm is just what MULT sees when he the beetles start to spawn
pretty much
even when you have mobility you have no way to kill airborne enemies except with your R
it's fucking stupid, the discord trannies on hopoo's server don't see a problem with it so it's never going to change
Is this too thick fellas?