So I just finished the plate mission in remake.
Who the fuck is this? All games its just humans and monsters you kill but there is this weird ass cat with a crown acting mopey. It's so random.
So I just finished the plate mission in remake.
Who the fuck is this? All games its just humans and monsters you kill but there is this weird ass cat with a crown acting mopey. It's so random.
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He's Cloud's fursona
People are gonna spoil you on dis shit dawg.
It's Sephiroth in disguise
Cloud's boyfriend. They fuck and adopt black kids at the end of the original game.
Caith Sith is so cute.
I know who this is, and it still doesn't make sense to me why he was in that scene.
If you're serious that's Cait Sith. Play the original if you don't wanna wait years for an explantation/
Looks like a Sonic Forces OC
That entire segment where he leads Cloud through illusionary fire was a stall.
His goal right then and there was to prevent Aerith and Cloud from ever even meeting, by leading Cloud down some winding alleys and distracting him with nonsensical bullshit about the two of them saving the planet.
Then those meddling time jannies and their fucking dog foiled his plans by forcing Aerith to stay in the area until Cloud finally did show up.
But Sephiroth, never one to be deterred by things such as fate or making players content with getting the same thing as always, tried to switch up tactics and tried to apply some cryptic warning to Cloud about this girl he just met that makes it sound like she's going to suffer if she hangs around him. Without outright telling him she'll straight up be killed, otherwise the jannies might NOOOOOOOOO him away like they did Hojo.
After that it's just Sephiroth spending an entire game manipulating Cloud and implanting visions of Aerith's death into Cloud's head with the Jenova cells in Cloud's body.
Look Cloud.
This girl dies Cloud.
You're probably responsible. Don't you think?
7 seconds buddy.
7 seconds is how long you have.
Because that's how long it takes the other me to drop from the heavens and ram my big long rod deep into her quivering womb.
All you need to do is save her, Cloud. SEVEN SECONDS CLOUD.
Because if Aerith lives, then Sephiroth wins. That's what he's trying to set up. Because this sephiroth is from the future, as evidenced by the black Advent Children wing and the fact that advent children music plays during that first encounter and literally nowhere else.
why would you start a game series - not only with a remake - but a remake of the SEVENTH entry, then post about it on the internet without expecting to get spoiled
Apparently Sephy's trying to get all fucky with the order of events so he doesn't lose this time.
It makes sense that he'd want to watch, but why he'd deploy a robot to watch instead of just looking out a window is weird.
>Reeve has Cait Sith look out over the plate falling and act sad
A robot cat named Caith Sith controlled by Reeve Tuesti
This but unironically, this game is fucking kino lads.
did u rike it?
This. It doesn't make sense that he'd send Cait Sith out there to view the damage instead of viewing it himself. It smells of developers just wanting to have an "I clapped" moment for fans of the first game, which is fine, but this too heavy-handed. It didn't bother me a whole lot, and I forgot about it quickly, but all I could think of in that moment was how strange and jarring that must have been for first-timers. It's not explained in the context of the Remake either.
i swear,for a bunch of autists who abhors minorities, you guys sure love talking about them
>Because this sephiroth is from the future, as evidenced by the black Advent Children wing and the fact that advent children music plays during that first encounter and literally nowhere else.
AC Sephiroth uses the pronoun watashi. Sephiroth in remake boss fight uses the pronoun ore.
>In the Japanese releases, Sephiroth uses the pronoun ore prior to his insanity, a common masculine pronoun used by confident males. Following the Nibelheim Incident, he begins to use watashi, a more formal pronoun that is genderless in formal context, likely because he now sees himself as superior to everyone else. This post-madness mannerism carries into his spin-off appearances, such as Dissidia Final Fantasy.
that cat is aeris dies and there is literal ghost time cops in the game and its fucking stupid and you should probably fucking kill yourself.
>mfw I haven’t played ff7 since 1999 and I always thought cait sith was a real talking cat who controlled the robot
The fact that it’s Reeve controlling a robot cat is blowing my mind.
What was the point of the fat thing he road?
So he could keep pace with people who have longer legs, and reach things on high shelves.
It also did the damage when attacking
>>What was the point of the fat thing he road?
I'm surprised someone on Yas Forums needs to have the concept of a "sex toy" explained to them.
That's Red XIII's boyfriend.
is cait sith a robot or a doll?
for some reason i thought reeve had the ability to give life to inanimate objects or something
maybe i was hallucinating
He is a rare pokemon you gotta catch later on in the game.
according to the PS1 manual, cait sith rides around on the back of a huge stuffed Mog he magically brought to life
and a render in the manual shows the back of the mog with zipper in the back
maybe a stuffed animal thing that he put a robot in?
idk I never liked the entire concept of cait sith in this game