Unironically, fun as fuck.
DkS3 Cinders mod
>Goughvirgins btfo
did he fix the shittily implemented armor and the weird spells
So far, all new spells are cool to use but some are OP. Armor is good, every single set has a bonus/buff.
that is actually pretty neat, is that only in the most recent update? i downloaded the latest version a few weeks ago.
Where's Gnito?
Spells are broken as fuck, armour is pretty cool.
does it still get you banned
the mod immediately puts you in offline mode.
>every set has a buff
Fucking why? Way to make everything else not worth using
It sets you offline by default. If you turn online back on then you have a 100% chance of getting banned on the next wave.
What? All of the sets have a specific buff. Some give strength, some give dex, some give max stamina or FP or what the fuck ever.
Wake me up when there's a black knight neck fix and silver night weapons mod.
make your character pitch black
pretend lothric knight weapons are silver knight weapons
hey can someone link me to some great ds3 mods
Okay I assumed you had meant that the armor included with the mod only received buffs. Am I wrong in saying this because if not it really does make anything vanilla pointless because you can just get the mod armor and it’s better purely because of buffs
Every armour set has a buff.
>make your character pitch black
>pretend lothric knight weapons are silver knight weapons
literally me because console peasant
oh boy gank squad bossfights my favorite
thats gay. armor in souls should be a fashion choice. you should NEVER have to compromise because of stats
you should, the fact armor is completely fucking useless in 3 infuriates me.
because youre gay
>fully upgrade armor set in Ds1/Ds2
>feel like I'm fucking invincible
>what outfit should I wear today
It infuriates me too user.
armor upgrades further complicated online
i liked how the mod imported demon's souls weapons. and made the penetrating sword good. some of the scaling on the imported weapons is fucking stupid though.
am I autistic or does the fist look like it has a skin colored pantyhoe over it
the icon does look pretty awkward
why dont you like it? It fixes almost everything wrong with DS3
not really whatsoever
ds1 remaster has weapon matchmaking, not armor matchmaking