What went wrong...?

What went wrong...?

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does he even make vids still
it's been years since i watched him...

damn spoony looks like THAT?

cancelling undertow
it all went downhill from there

Youtube ads are terrible. He was tired of not being paid. He needed to start doing brand deals like Cinemassacre.

He went fucking crazy and decided he was a comic book artist after youtube fucked him over.

Was 20 years or bottom of the barrel shitty uninformative and biased reviews from guys with 0 skill not enough of a reason? And don’t tell me that crap was “cozy”

but it was tho
he made it very clear that what he was saying was his opinion, not some objective truth
have played/enjoyed multiple games based on his recommendation

MASSIVELY overestimated his appeal and reach.

fuck you I miss him.

He's too nice of a guy

Gradual changes to Youtube fucking wrecked him and he couldn't adapt in time. Also didn't last till Patreon and the like became viable alternatives.

His videos aren't even funny and he's bad at vidya.

he was too positive about the games he reviewed, it was annoying and biased

He’s still uploading multiple videos a day reviewing comic books but his views have plummeted. I just looked and none of his new stuff even breaks 1k views.

has he gone insane yet?

too reactionary to his detriment.

Just because his videos were used on WatchMojo videos, he made ugly huge watermarks on his videos.

Because of a simple uncertain adpocalypse, he moved all his videos to dailymotion and came crawling back when it didnt pan out

When one of his Ben10 videos made huge view numbers, he based all his dad jokes reviewing style from that video, and it fucking sucked.

Also, when Trump won, he fucking made a huge meltdown

Also, selling the games donated to him was a fucking dick move.

Dave is the better Game Room reviewer, not afraid of liking tits, unlike Mark who doesn't like DoA because of the tits

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He went absolutely insane.

I do too, to an extent, but let's not kid ourselves. He was way less popular than he thought he was, and this happened.

He made all the wrong decisions on youtube. If he stuck around today and never purged his channel the first time he would probably be doing better. He then focused on that comic shit that really no one liked.
He had a shtick and subscribers and threw them away like two seperate times.

how, tl;dr?

youtube ad revenue dried up and threw everything he had into like 5 different avenues half heartedly when all he had to do was just livestream him drunk and bullshitting with derrick. peak CGR is birdass reviews.

What happened to the undertow guy?

Playing ULTRA obscure games makes you go insane
Happened to me.
You wanna quit video games, play Pulirula or the Nameless game, those games are legit cursed


het got caught

he was defintely around by the patreon era, but Amazon looked like a better offer I guess.

Nanashi no Game was extremely interesting, fun, sometimes hilarious and only a few times scary.
I can't really see how it csn make you go insane. The DS was full of those little hidden gems.

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got any info?


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Why did he try to do a sudden rebranding as a comic artist/pen reviewer? It's honestly depressing watching him review markers with like a 90% dislike ratio

Clearly it was something he wanted to do, youtube wasn't paying the bills and he went all in on it. It was not the right bet.

It wasn't really sudden. He always had an interest in comics and making his own.

>selling the games donated to him was a fucking dick move
Not the only Youtuber who has done that. Cunt move back in the day. Not an excuse today since any Youtuber worth his salt should buy all his games.

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