
>been working at the same company for over 25 years, both parties are happy
>actually directed a movie
>has his own game franchise that is still extremely successful
>tasked of remaking the most iconic game of all time
>literally fired for constantly going overbudget and delaying games left and right
>hasnt directed shit, instead makes movie games
>couldnt even hold onto his most iconic franchise after he himself ran it into the ground
>made a new game with the funding of sony and the help of several AAA studios and its a huge pile of shit

Um, why do people worship Kojima again?

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kojima never put a time janny in his games

Because his games are actually fun unlike generic turned based JRPGs #384749695775 trash.

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Give it time. You know full well that Spoiler Spectres are totally something he'd do.

Nomura was tasked with remaking super Mario Bros? Because I know you don't think ff7 is the most iconic game of all time

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>Kingdom Hearts

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Fuck's sake, no they're not. Kojima's not some "le wacky animu director", retard.

kojimbo also never put gameplay in his """games."""
advantage: nomura.

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I'm certain the following for this game must be an inside joke. Every Rebbitor that claims to have played this game will not shut the fuck up about how it changed their life forever.

I don't think anyone that actually enjoys video games as a hobby can honestly respect current Kojima and his antics. The man is a wasteful hipster at best. At least with Nomura you know what you're gonna get, while Kojima only talked and toured the world like a fucking celebrity only to deliver nothing.His obsession with Hollywood, movies and celebrities caught up with him a long, long time ago.

nomura is a nobody who no one recognizes while kojima could announce he's about to shit out a turd and the world will turn
advantage: kojima

>Kojima's not some "le wacky animu director", retard.
>hot coldman

>At least with Nomura you know what you're gonna get
And this is a good thing because..........

>nomura is a nobody who no one recognizes
and yet people can't stop buying his kino. meanwhile, hackjima's walking simulator flopped and everybody is laughing at him.
advantage: nomura.

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Well, if you know Nomura creates nothing but garbage, you know to avoid it.

>muh Reddit
If you can’t stop posting about it then go back, fagit. Also, TWEWY threads have been around since 2008.

Death Stranding is way more Reddit than TWEWY will ever be.

sometimes consistency is a good thing.
I know his games will be relatively average anime jrpg shit fests with some cute girls and decent graphics and an extremely cringeworhy story.

If I'm in the mood for a JRPG I can pick his latest game up and have a good time.

> Death Stranding being actually fun
> Not being a boring 30 hour walking sim

>Um, why do people worship Kojima again?
They are still hanging on to the glory of MGS3 even when MGS1 and 2 were the best.

Desu there's no denying Death Stranding flopped.

I'd be very surprised if Sony gives him a blank cheque again

>Kojima only talked and toured the world like a fucking celebrity only to deliver nothing.His obsession with Hollywood, movies and celebrities caught up with him a long, long time ago
It blows my mind how there are actually people who unironically care about any of that shit. I've said it before, but Yas Forums really is becoming like a place for kids to discuss gossip, especially with the constant twitter screencap threads and unhinged manchildren digging through a person's whole post history on social media.

Metal Gear Solid >>>> Kingdom Hearts

>Desu there's no denying Death Stranding flopped.
One easily can as there is no evidence that it did.

holy shit this cope

His nanomachines cop out in MGS4 was almost as bad as time jannies but i give that game a pass because of the REX vs RAY and final boss fights.

Yas Forums brainlets can't handle the truth, but VIIR and Death Stranding are both kino.

Nanomachines are what you get when fans demand answers to things that were never made to be answered.
>make characters with supernatural abilities
>we demand you explain everything and how they did it
>uhhhhhhh nanomachines? did you rike it?

Time jannies are dumb and I am unsure how that idea came around since I didn't follow FFVII that closely and less time has passed for things to become clearer.

>I don't think anyone that actually enjoys video games as a hobby can honestly respect current Kojima and his antics.
I spend almost all of my free time playing video games and Death Stranding was my GOTY last year

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One in a million