Here's your killer app, Saturnbros

Here's your killer app, Saturnbros.

Attached: gameplay.webm (480x270, 3M)

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This is why the Saturn failed.

I love NiGHTS. Its a lot more interesting than most people realize as a score attack game.

>Whole game is about keeping up a combo and not missing objects/rings
>Can't see 5 feet past the main character

Getting a high score in this game is literally doing the same exact line repeatedly until the timer is about to run out. That's worse than Metal Slug as a score game.

Shut the fuck up.

Attached: bosses.webm (480x270, 2.99M)

You know I'm right.

Yes and it's fun.

Its fun to execute chains. Also even though its not score related when you go fast near nightopians you ruin the mood of the stage and fuck up the music and breeding over time. You end up having to pace yourself and be mindful of whats moving around you. Maybe its not as interesting as a score attack game but its mechanics are far more interesting than most people give it.

I wish I recorded this in 16:9 mode too but I forgot the game supported it.

Attached: 480.webm (480x360, 3M)

it sucks this isnt showing off any of the cool tricks on gupwing or the fox guy

Attached: sleep.jpg (600x450, 33.4K)

I've played NiGHTS for years and I can chain into the hundreds, but I still don't understand how the A-Life system works, I wish someone would autistically break it down like that Mario 64 speedrunner.

that does look pretty cool

two of the best 2D platformers are on the Saturn, Tryrush Deppy and Super Tempo

Holy fuck the music sounds so different compared to my version.

>I can chain into the hundreds
I'd actually really love to see some gameplay like that. There isnt much high level recorded gameplay out there.

The A-life system is actually not too complicated and you can find a good guide within the steam forums that covers everything in pretty good detail. Basically it works with you hatching eggs in a particular stage, then the nightopians wander around and do their thing. If you launch an enemy into a nightopian there is a chance the nightopian will later lay an egg. This creates a mepian which will have an assortment of nightopian and nightmaren features. Get a bunch of these mepians in a single stage and raise the stages nightopian mood by hatching eggs and not frightening or killing nightopians and they will start to breed with each other creating distinctive eggs. A certain mixture of nightopian to nightmarian appendages creates a higher likelyhood of creating a "King Pian" which is the final stage of mepians.

I dont know the specific likelyhoods but i know that the ideal mepian has all Nightopian traits with one nightmaren trait. Peronally i think a mepian that is all nightopian with crab claw arms is most kino. Anyway eventually when the happiness is high enough and the right mepians breed you get a very distinctive gold egg with hatches a king pian. This little dude will hatch then stick around for about 3-5 nights, i forget, and build a big tower somewhere in the map that is permanent. I don't think the tower does anything particular but by this point your dreams mood is so high that the music kicks ass and it keeps adding in instruments, and you have this beautiful tower somewhere in your stage.

Its fucking cool.

>Called SONIC Team
>Think they're too good to bother making a single actual SONIC game for an entire console generation
gee, thanks guys....

they tried but they fucked it up and scrapped it. This was back when sonic team actually cared about the quality of their main mascot

This is bait but every Sonic/Sega fan worth their salt knows Sonic X-treme was an absolute nightmare of a development cycle.

>I'd actually really love to see some gameplay like that. There isnt much high level recorded gameplay out there.
Here's a little sample of my gameplay, I wasn't trying to get a high score though, I just wanted to show off the grafix.

I wonder how much of that A-Life stuff was documented in the manual?

Attached: chain.webm (640x360, 1.97M)

I am convinced everything in this game is straight out of these books.

Attached: 1587780438304.jpg (789x1024, 228.31K)

Here's another one but the level is so easy it's not really impressive.

Attached: cn4.webm (440x293, 2.94M)

holy shit nice user, i havent played much of elliots stages even though i know they're better. I got too focused on A-life.

And who knows how much of it was documented, im sure theres a manual scan out there somewhere, i still see nights being sold CIB on ebay for like 70-100 dollars.

>Sega = Sonic
I fucking hate the Genesis and Sega of America for deluding an entire generation of people into believing this. Sega was an arcade game developer first and foremost.

Attached: 1557688950625.webm (1000x752, 2.98M)

The Genesis and Sega of America are the only reasons you or anyone else even know who Sega is to this day.

Why does miyamoto love this game?

If you're a zoomer sure. But Sega had a rich arcade heritage long before the Genesis, and long after.

Attached: daytona.webm (1000x567, 3M)

cool webms user
can you record some power slave webms too?

This has never been confirmed.

That's not Saturn Bomberman, the greatest console party game ever made

>power slave
Soon, in the meantime here's a game using the same engine :)

Attached: 1587089853363.webm (640x480, 2.89M)

Are the Christmas nights levels different? Only played through it once and don't recall. Is it possible to get an infinite loop on clarissa's first dream?

Sega's arcade games were always better than their console games, but the Genesis made them a household name. Then they fucked it up with the Saturn. They could have come back with the Dreamcast but ran out of money, tragic as that console was great.

I might be wrong but from what I've experienced I think they're identical to the regular game's maps, just with different chip and star layouts.

>Then they fucked it up with the Saturn
The funny thing is the Saturn is my favourite Sega console because I'm an arcade gamer first and foremost.

Attached: christmas nights.webm (640x480, 2.94M)

>The funny thing is the Saturn is my favourite Sega console because I'm a hipster first and foremost