Why is everything Nintendo sells so god-damned expensive...

Why is everything Nintendo sells so god-damned expensive? Why should I spend fucking $60 on a game that came out in Two-Thousand-And-FUCKING-Eleven? Why is their online such trash if I spend money on it? How come the controllers are so cheap but cost so much to buy? Why is Mario Party so barebones on maps and actual good content? Why are Smash Bros and Animal Crossing selling despite being the same games you've played for two decades? I am new to being a Nintendo consumer, is it usual to accept eating this much shit?

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don't care, doesn't matter, if they sell poops, I would buy it from them,

I just want to play Skyrim downstairs without having to move anything except my ass. And Nintendo thinks I should spend $60 for the privelege.

Nintendo doesn't set the price of third party games.
As for Nintendo games they sell them at those prices because people buy them at those prices.

third party wants cheap cash grab money from the few people who seriously care to play it on switch. When they eventually stop selling they do sales to make even more easy money.

>Nintendo doesn't set the price of third party games.
But it's $20 cheaper on PC with mod support and better graphics... ? So then why is it $60? Does Bethesda just hate Nintendo consumers?


yes. this isn't hard to understand

Yeah I don't really buy it.

that is 100% todd's fault

Welcome to capitalism, son. No one is your friend.
They can get away with a $60 price tag on the switch, because Nintendo set a precedent with their own software pricing. Bethesda merely set the price that they thought Nintendo owners were willing to spend.

why tho
vanilla Skyrim is so fucking dull

nintendo doesn't set third-party prices. same shit with steam and other stores. this isn't hard to comprehend holy shit

Not many people on switch actually want it so Bethesda sell it at full price to gouge them to cover development costs. Price will go down when it stops selling.

Most 3rd party studios like to act like their switch ports are worth full price simply for being on switch. EA killed ME3 on there by selling the original, not even the trilogy, for $60 still.

I look at it as Bethesda not giving the slightest shit about their switch ports. Even before the pandemic, Skyrim, DOOM 2016, and Wolfenstein 2 were frequently out of stock on Amazon and GS. The way I see it is that they can barely be bothered to moderate price or upkeep stock on what are essentially launch titles that exist only to show that the switch can play console level games on the go.

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no user, its just that you are too young to know how good gaming was back and how Nintendo has always been about fun first, music, story, etc second.

Nintendo has no say in how much 3rd parties sell their games for, in the case of nintendo, they usually make enought for their own expectations, so games become scarse soon thus keeping the prices of the games.

Nintendo usually finds a formula that people like, and then just improve upon it while maintaining the same feel of the old games, but better, anyway user, there are tons of people like you and tons like the ones of nintendo fans, you can do well in skipping consoles every now and then and avoid getting burnt out of the games. new ones are going to be there once you come back and enjoy them.

Skyrim came out on Switch just three years ago, user.

Then don't buy it.

Shut the fuck up and buy the game. Stop being poor.

I learned this the hard way. This is why you only buy exclusives on it. And only during a big holiday like Christmas to get an even remotely good sale on them

What naive people believe: "This company reduced the price of their game as a consideration to their fans, and the gaming community as a whole. They really care about us and our pockets."

The truth: The company set a price that they thought would maximize their profits. They projected that lowering the price would ultimately result in more sales and thus greater profits than if they left the price at full.

Because onions addled Nintendites are willing to spend $60 to play a 10 year old game in 480p on low settings. If they weren't buying it the price would have obviously gone down.

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>Nintendo doesnt set third party prices

They set precedence. Why would a third party dev sell their games cheap when they see the big sellers on the system sell for full price. Nintendo games are just games. Skyrim shits on 90% of the trash Nintendo puts out.

It's funny that if someone were to buy enough ports on Switch, it would effectively cancel the price difference between the Switch and whatever other platform they might buy it on.

Who hates their fans more? Bethesda or Nintendo?

Because they know their fanbase will buy it anyway. It's just good business.

>Nintendo doesn't set the price of third party games.
I find that hard to believe.
Pacman Championship Edition 2 is free on literally every platform right now but Nintendo.

Drones only buy Nintendo products. Devs sell the games full price because they know that tendies wont buy it on other platforms anyway.

>Nintendo has their Spring Sale
>Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze only 33% off for a 6 year old game
I love it when people argue that a PC is more expensive, when it makes up for its expenses with cheaper games and not having to pay a monthly online fee.

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Because Nintendo actually deserves the money. So go fuck yourself, poorfag.

Walmart actually has it cheaper for some reason

Snoys are pathetic. Even Sony knows their game are shit. That's why they sell them for 20 bucks a few months after release. When I buy a product I want to feel I'm buying quality, not something on a sale because it's about to expire.

Retailers can set whatever price they want. Because retailers already have a set price they pay to the publishers. So places like walmart are only thinking in terms of getting the game off their shelf.

It's a shitty game, Nintendo is doing you a service by charging you retard taxes

There's no and in 2011. And implies a decimal point. 2000.11 is two thousand and eleven.

gotta pay to play...

>skyrim vanilla on switch

steam in home streaming

can't you homebrew the switch now anyways? or can you not play full switch games yet. Ebay exists BTW.

Most 3rd parties that do quick dirty ports pull the same thing. If they ever ported Fallout 3 or 4 expect it to be full price too.

It's hilarious how people pretend Nintendo is for kids here. They charge extra because Nintendo is for actual adults who have jobs and are willing to pay extra to play in a great system. Can you play it in a handheld in your pc, faggot? Yeah. I thought so.

They want to be the Disney of vidya. Their business models are nearly identical.

After I bought, switch was a big fuck you in my face
I would never buy games from them again.
Nintendo fans are like Apple fans. Buy any shit because it has the logo in it

thats because Sony hypes their single player expiences that rely on feelings instead of actual gameplay, thus once you finish a game, there is little reason to replay it and lots simply sell their games, unlike Nintendo games where people stress the gameplay and master their games.

At least Bethesda dont sell overpriced consoles