>Finally got my hands on Dark Souls Remastered
>Enjoying the game so far
>Suddenly this
Jesus Christ, I heard that the second half of the game was rushed but didn't expect it to get THIS bad. Is it even worth to keep playing or does it get even shittier further on?
Finally got my hands on Dark Souls Remastered
what's wrong with Four (8) Kings
Dont go to demon ruins
Might as well drop the game now. If you beat O&S then you pretty much have the Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition experience.
You're probably trying to beat the four Kings too early. Come back later. Do the catacombs later in the game too
As said you might just be at them too early. They're essentially a late game DPS check, so if you don't have a pretty good weapon maxed out upgraded you're gonna struggle.
Also, the more I played of DaS the more I didn't mind the game post-Anor Londo. Not as good as the early game, sure, but I don't find it as dogshit as many do.
>the literal bing bing wahoo boss in Lost Izalith
what the fuck were they thinking
whaaaaat? latter half wasnt rushed at all.
demon ruins is actually one of my favourite soulsbourne areas for its design, layout. love the ancient cambodian style temples, contrasting the european style elsewhere.
the boss if my least favourite boss though.
the 4 kings is a dps check. you must be quick and very damaging. i like to use lightning greatscythe +5 and have no problems. i even beat them sl 25. its all about the dodge button.
if you are having trouble reaching the boss getting rekt by dickwraiths just use the jump shortcut, in the very first area in new londo ruins when you first encounter ghosts, coming in, dash to the right side of the area, beside the steps. jump down from the ledge and you are very close to the boss fog only have to deal with 2-3 darkwraiths.
Just put on some heavy ass armor and they don’t do shit
It’s a DPS race. I figured it out then left and maxed my weapon, first try after
Just put on havel’s armour and press r1 to win for ez mode
Who the fuck says the second half is rushed?? It's perfectly fine.
If 4 kings are a DPS rush lategame boss, why do I beat them as the 3rd boss of my playthrough every time?
I don't know what you're talking about, 4 kings is a solid 7/10 boss fight to me. I find their patterns a little repetitive and simple, but the atmosphere, concept and music of the fight really make up for it.
Literally everything? Like shitty design, bland combat mechanics, it overall looks ridiculous and virtually has no any fucking significance to the plot
become proficient
It's a meme
Lurk more
because you got gud
and like to join darkwraiths probably
>virtually has no any fucking significance to the plot
only thing i could agree with here desu. i always have to bring Beatrice with me because of how terrifying i find the whole Abyss to be
Izalith gives the entire second half a bad name because it's a fucking eyesore.
Crystal Caves just kinda sucks.
Tomb of the Giants is pretty rad though.
Is that really all you got? Plot? Dark souls? Really nigga? Visual design and plot? Visual design and plot 4 kings? Really nigga?
Really nigga?
To be a good boss; it must look (subjectively, to you) pretty, and have a cutscene that explains it's tragic backstory?
And you REALLY think that's what makes a boss fight good?
>Best visual design
>Can be fought before gargoyles
>Teaches the player to roll into attacks rather than away
Top 5 boss of the series for me
This guy isn’t sealed off by the Lordvessel???
nigger 4kings is good. the shit parts of dark souls is after anor londo. you do 4kings before anor londo
Nope, you can kilk them as soon as you arrive at firelink, you just gotta kill Sif first.
>second half of the game was rushed
Seath's is perfect. Nitoland is good. Parts of Demon Ruins are funky, but it's basically the worst Souls boss ever made that ruins it. And nothing wrong with Four Kings, but you're probably dying repeatedly to it.
I really don't get the >lmao second half of dark souls is half finished
literally the only areas that feels that way is demon ruins and lost izalith
On the contrary, it teaches the player to stack poise.
No, ingward gives you key to the seal if you have lordvessel, but there's no yellow fog in new Londo. If you stab ingward to death at any point, including as soon as you leave asylum you get the key to seal. From there, you can fight Sif to get abyss ring as the first non tutorial boss of the game if you take master key, second if you don't (unless there's a way to skip Taurus without master key that I overlooked). After that, nothing stopping you from killing 4 Kings and becoming twinkwraith
While some of the latter parts of the game are imperfect, the dlc is fantastic and is one of the best across the series. The only real complaint is how obtuse it is to reach the dlc area.
4 kings is only hard in NG+ and beyond, where it gets a pain to kill them before the other spawn and turn in a fuck fest (behold the power of the pyromancy that power ups streng and poise).
In base NG, you just have to rush each one and spam r1 until the king dies and rinse and repeat with the next. They were programmed like this, because if you stick like glue to them they can only do shit damage. Just roll away from the grab
>Crying about The Four Kings
Boy oh boy are you in for a shitty time when you go towards Nito
Tomb of the giantsis the worst part of the game 100%
Not even that, granted you don't know alot about them but they are what's left of the human kings with the Lord soul you need, and defending the world from the darkwraiths
Players Fighting them at the beginning of the game don't have the luxury but I appreciate that there are fallback options for players who can't time a roll. But it really is just that, a fallback that hardly works with buffs and a maxed out character. Not to mention the fact that the attacks are so telegraphed and with so few active frames that it's even easier to fatroll through them than it is to normal roll through half the shit in DS3
Demon ruins is even fine. Lost Izalith really just ruined that whole second halfs image.
Most people probably find tomb of the Giants tedious though so that probably adds to it for some
Because you’re a cutie patootie
Nito by himself is a joke boss, equip holy weapon, don't move from where you land, kill the two skeleton that come at you first, then fight Nito and roll trough the slowest and worst aimed sword attacks in the game. He does the Aoe blast occasionally, but it's just kinda better to shield and heal trough it.
The catacombs tought and the way to get here are a fuck fest. I even had to go back and defeat Leroy since the twerp threw himself off a cliff.