Cutest voice actor ever?

Cutest voice actor ever?

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I like that she has no vocal fry whatsoever

she's a music video groupie who lucked in Japan's experiment to bring their VA industry to burger land

She's pretty ugly, and white women age like shit.

Probably some cute Japanese girl not some white roastie who fucks dogs

If it's "ever" Tara Strong. She has been smoking hot ever since the 90s, and voice-acting even before that. Even today she is still hot, but of course middle-aged. Cristina Vee is close though.

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is she jewish?

She's a spic, retards

I hate Aerith so fucking much.

She is a liberal faggot that seethes over Trump and tries to get cab drivers in trouble because they don't subscribe to the liberal faggot agenda.

What the fuck does that have to do with her appearance? Also, the cab driver was in the wrong for bringing that shit up first IIRC. Either way it's irrelevant.

Boring American plain white bread woman with a fucking annoying voice and brings 0 nuance to Aerith.

She's not a fatass post age 14, so no

Probably has a dick then, and that's a good thing

>Look at those sharp knees. 2 out of 10, would not bang.

Western women are fucking disgusting.

I actually really like most of the voice cast and they seem to be attached to their roles as characters rather than as just paychecks (or will at least pretend to be, unlike a lot of voice actors these days) so I guess FF7R's positive reception has a small silver lining.

give me one reason to not kill myself

She looks like she takes doggystyle in the men's bar bathroom

Jill's VA from the remake is way cuter

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Yeah ,let's get poor immigrants fired that have to scrape by a living by doing a Uber gig fired because some liberal videogame VA actress gets her panties in a bunch over the slightest notion that Trump might not be the devil. Sounds perfectly reasonable.

she became a cougar

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Imagine having a gf

>She's pretty ugly, and white women age like shit.

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what brain problem causes people to care about anime/video-game side-team voice actors for another language and who aren't in-person directed by the original director(s) who speak fluently in his own language but not so much in others to properly explain every piece of dialogue and how it should be expressed?

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Brianna is a narcissistic slag, along the same vein as Jessica Niggeri

Tifa's VA is cuter

I prefer my VAs large and in charge

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Holy shit, Futaba being a NEET sperg was really a self-insert wasn't it?

imagine the sex

Her face is haggard as fuck but those milkers man

also she a neurotic jew with trump derangement syndrome

She really is.


Jessie's VA is a real woman.

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its a photoshop

Literally wearing a corset

She was awful. Marlene's VA is more talented.

Is that Captain Janeway?

she's a big girl

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Holy shit, why did they make Aeris so chinky? She was like the whitest girl in the original

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