Play Hitman™ & Hitman™ 2

Play Hitman™ & Hitman™ 2

Attached: 2020.04.13 - (1338x1304, 448.67K)

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Might as well just wait for HITMAN™ 3 instead of having to redo everything once again.

That'll be 200GB plus change.

I hope they do another Freedom Fighters first.

What's with all the hitman threads lately?

Why play the first one when you can just get all the first game's content in the second one?

They gave it off for free in this month's Humble Bundle.

Didn't they say they were already working on H3?

Beats me. Coincidentally I happened to start playing Hitman 2 again and they're reactivating elusive targets. I don't know when they started doing that, but maybe that's why.

Got tired of having to figure out who the serial killer was in the latest elusive target so I just blew up the backyard patio and killed everyone.

>I don't know when they started doing that, but maybe that's why.
It's been going since January, but they're only reactivating Season 2 targets for whatever stupid reason.

That Florida racetrack episode where you can execute that degenerate lesbian was pretty kino.

I really loved these two games. My only complaint is that some levels, especially in the second one, are absolutely massive. The movie set in Mumbai honestly could've been its own separate map.

Elusive targets are honestly pretty bad. I always looked up a guide when doing them, just to get them out of the way and not risk permanently losing a chance at unlocking a suit.
Considering Hitman 2 had significantly less new ETs than Hitman 1, and made Mumbai's suit an Escalation unlock instead, I'm hoping that implies they'll be phased out in Hitman 3.

>tfw Mumbai Ghost Mode never ever
It's no wonder it died with the little support it had.
Imagine if we got Hokkaido or Paris in Ghost Mode.

cool to see a new hitmein shill campaign
I'm hyped for season 3.
I played a couple hours today, btw. I have a lot of escalations to go

Did they revert the changes to bring detected because of head movement instead of body direction?

Splinter Cell or Hitman

Yas Forums
>DRM is so bad, it's only hurting real consumers!
also Yas Forums
>play these always online DRM games, bruh

Splinter Cell

The one that isn't dead
Is Hitman 2 always online

>Is Hitman 2 always online
Yes, retard.

Why are you so mean

2016 and 2018 both have all the replayability locked online compared to the earlier Hitman games

It’s only a minor complaint, but the clear budget cuts of going from those great cutscenes in Hitman 1 to still images in Hitman 2 is a bit lame. Expecting Hitman 3’s story to just be a single image with scrolling text.

these games dont have insane gibs and dismemberment so I protest it with no buy! Good day hitman2

Elusive Targets are dumb and I think the only ones who would disagree are fanboys afraid of criticizing IO. At the very least they should constantly be on a rotation until IO can no longer support the game, at which point they should all be activated permanently.

They don't have access to Squares CGI department anymore since they left Square in between hitman 1 and 2.

Random head turning effecting their cone of vision was removed in Hitman 2.

The DLC had actual animated cutscenes, albeit nowhere near the quality of season 1's. I'll be very disappointed if we get more still images in season 3, but I don't think we will.

>if you use weapons that will make a mess, you cannot take the disguise from them
That would be cool. Sabotuer had something like it. Wonder why Hitman doesn't.

Are you joking? Hitman DOES have that. It's only on the hard difficulty, but still.

Other than the ability to roll, and do splits/hang from beams, Hitman 2's controls are very close to the original Splinter Cells, playing that medieval Castle level, I forget the name, and just scaling your way to the top without being seen and hangng off ledges and stuff, the gameplay is a pretty worthy successor to the old SC games.

Hitman 3's cutscenes will just be storyboards.

Disgusting. Literally walked in the backyard, snooped around for a bit, saw a guy that looked too "clean" kinda like 47 does, followed him around, heard him have creepy conversations with everyone, lured him in a corner and SA'd him. Took me maybe 10 minutes.

Imagine being a fucking casual and unable to play the game unless the target is specifically highlighted for you. This is why the old game purists shit on TM, because people like you can't play without instincts and all kinds of indicators to help you

>It's only on the hard difficulty, but still.
I never played HITMAN or HITMAN 2.


Just pretend the story isn't even there, it's what true Hitman fans have been doing since the 2016 release

No they won't.

I like these games but I'm kinda annoyed how your interaction with the world has little effect to how NPC's behave. You could blow up half the map and they will just return to business as usual within a minute or 2 and forget it ever happened. Same with killing targets.

Imagine pretending you knew how someone else was playing a game

m at the mission where you have to infiltrate an old man's house and kill him. dressed as a caretaker but when i go inside they run a background check on me and get me. wat do.

>literally states "i didnt feel like playing the game so i just blew up everyone haha"

They're back to making FMVs in the DLCs, though.

>This is why the old game purists shit on TM, because people like you can't play without instincts and all kinds of indicators to help you
Fuck off with that bullshit. People don't want to play like that on elusive targets because you only get one attempt. The old hitman games you just trail-and-error'd until you figured shit out.

>Implying Elusive Targets are quality missions deserving of being played properly
I played all of the main missions without a guide, and with mission stories disabled on my first playthrough.


Attached: lol.png (1411x736, 364.97K)

I was joking, my dude.

i dont get it

I blew everyone up after running up a 45min runtime because I was fucking around, you're the one who implied everyone else but you plays with the highlighted radar stuff or whatever those other options are

Ah. It was hard to tell since Hitman 2's cutscenes pretty much were just storyboards.

have you tried not being an illiterate retard?

When is 3 being announced?

I guess probably at this e3 but that was cancelled so who knows

Splinter Cell is more focused on sneak kills while Hitman let's you be more creative.
I like both though.