ITT: Give thanks to the greatest defender of vidya of all time BASED JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA Against the eternal enemy of fun and freedom The California soccer mom.
THANK YOU BASED JUSTICE By slaying the karens at the supreme court You have become vidya’s greatest champion
He was a horrible supreme court justice who would side with big business if it meant your death
Nicholas Davis
maybe, but this is a thread about vidya, and the evil attempt by california soccer moms to destroy vidya. untill the BASED JUSTICE defeated them in battle in the temple of freedom
Anyone who seriously cares about or studied the law knew Scalia was based. Too many shitty justices finding invisible clauses to suit their political activism to overstep their bounds. There should always be people like him to call that shit out.
Leo Scott
remember to say the words: thank you based justice antonin scalia
You can always go back to r/the_donald where you can downvote posts that hurt your feelings
Daniel Russell
Law fag here. I don’t usually deal with Supreme Court cases in my line of work, but I can always appreciate the writings of Scalia when it’s necessary. If I see a Brennan opinion, I sleep.
Dylan Edwards
>somehow attributing a 7-2 decision to one person
Asher King
Remember how Scalia unwittingly aided the legalization of same-sex marriage because he couldn't contain his hate-wad and spouted an opinion that was quoted over and over again in favor of gay marriage?
>Some retarded judge fucked up 100 years ago so now the law has to be interpreted in this retarded way forevermore, sorry :^) What the fuck is wrong with americans?
Bentley Smith
Why were there 2 people who said that video games aren't free speech? The fuck are those people doing on the supreme court?
Cameron Perry
true. i remember reading the opinions in DC vs heller. scalias was in plain english and logical and supported by historical evidence. the disenting opinion was talking about fucking grammar like a god encyclopedia entry instead of constitutional principles and the people that wrote the bill of rights.
scalia wrote the opinion his style was the best thing about him.
Way too many fucking cases with way too many fucking issues that could be argued to let people reargue everything every single time. Even arguing one issue can be an insanely time consuming and expensive task. It's seriously for the best that precedent exists even with its flaws.