How would you feel if Samus suffered horrible burns as a result of the life saving procedure in Fusion?
How would you feel if Samus suffered horrible burns as a result of the life saving procedure in Fusion?
How big do her breasts get?
Why isn’t her left leg burnt?
I'm still fucking confused why they just gave Samus all of her old powers plus Ice Missles instead of having her get fucked up and mutated by the Metroid DNA throughout the game. It's literally named Metroid Fusion, it's established the Federation are fucking reckless idiots and the surgery was a last ditch effort, it makes total sense for it to have side effects, yet it's just a plot excuse for Samus to absorb the X Parasites. Biggest missed opportunity in the entire franchise.
How remodeled is her shithole?
cum on her burns
I still would
But she's not
Is tighter now
I’d prefer it if, in the next game, the X parasites and Phazon took their toll on her body. Like, the X and Phazon are out of her system, but the damage they did was already done
Let's redesign Dark Samus while we're at it
The burns looks alright in this simple artwork but fully rendered in 3D on an actual model it would be hard to look at and grotesque.
Ima rub my cum in yo burn scars
That’s the point
As long as her body shape was still hot it would be kino. And anyway, what Metroid needs most right now is an actual mainline sequel, so something post-Fusion would be good.
I want a Metroid game with fit milf greying hair Samus
You seem to think this will hinder my penis
Still out of Yas Forums's league.
That would be hot
Nothing a good ol paper bag and some aloe vera can't fix
It would be like hanako mixed with master chief
Fusion is the only game in the series that would benefit from a remake (I'm not counting adding KBM support to Prime)
If you removed the strict linearity but kept the setting and concepts it might be the best one
okay why does "she" have a muppet face though
You’re pretty bad
why not? it was surgical scarring, not actually being burnt by fire.
they say that spreading cum on your skin is good for it
post the fat pic of her
clearly just the art-style, duh
This is actually a headcanon I have for this game
Apart from now being part metroid, the very thing she swore to destroy, she also suffers from many issues of the risky surgery as X surged throughout her body
I wanna see a prime styled 2D Metroid that focuses on what happened after Fusion
I wonder why no one has made a hack of Fusion that opens it up, but I guess the SA-X stuff would be hard to work around.
idk a Fusion remake could be really cool (imagine if DoctorM64 had a LabZero tier art team holy shit) but I'd rather see a new game because I'm tired of the same old power ups
I feel like you should ignore any game that has lore involving Adam
Reminds me of those super hot whores who were burned alive in that Ferrari, don't search for the after pictures