I've been playing for like 33 hours now

I've been playing for like 33 hours now.

When does the game get bad?

Attached: cemu.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

op here woops sorry

When you are too old for toddler themes

when you get tired of exploring

The shrines are garbage and the dungeons are pretty weak. Once you get used to the combat it trivializes all encounters. The world however is beautiful amd adventuring around it alone makes the game quite enjoyable for a while.

You REMEMBER when you WENT to level SIX and you didn't have the BRACELET UPGRADED so you felt like an ASS when you got in and REALIZED EVERYTHING was STRONGER than you were.

You REMEMBER when you got to DARK WORLD and you had nothing but a HOOKSHOT and some ARROWS to see you through CRYSTAL THREE, in the WOODS. The feeling of EXPLORATION was rewarded with TELEOLOGICAL INSPIRATION. That is SOUL, and redounded ONLY by the 3D TITLES which gave you the evolutionary experience of FEELING ATTACHED to a world that was almost LIVING.

hey if you could spend year doing nothing but shitting nonstop 24/7 but then never have to shit ever again would you?

Unironically, when you've discovered everything an been everywhere, which happens well before you beat the game.
90% of the fun is being constantly rewarded for your curiosity and there always being interesting, undiscovered things on the horizon.

30mins in

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I got bored at around 40-50 hours. Eventually you'll realize that you've already seen everything the game has to offer.

I've been walking everywhere so I feel like an ant in a huge hill. The horses are so stiff and the worlds are so big. Is Epona around? I haven't gotten her yet.

Likely when you start to think it gets bad.

I did a once over of the world, did any shrines I came across, had funding finding secrets, then beat the game. I didnt 100% a single aspect of the game and it felt fun and fresh the whole way through

I can see the shrines and such getting dull if you go out of your way to do everything though

Good thing there is only 4 "dungeons" and the castle.

Shit taste

Pretty sure Epona is amiibo only

short attention span weeb FAGGOT

I have the CEMU version so I guess that means I don't get Epona?

It took me around 150 hours before all the usual criticisms set in. But of course the world starts to feel empty if you've done pretty much everything and upgraded all the best equipment.

I like how "it gets boring after 200 hours" is the only criticism that can be thrown at this game

>150 hours
>200 hours
Bullshit. I liked the game alot, but you see and do everything, at most, 30 hours in.

Not even that, really. I replayed it several months ago and all the excitement about discovering new things was simply replaced by the excitement of remembering things and places you visited and going back to them. It's certainly amazing.

Yeah, it's amazing how it takes 250 hours for the game to make you want to take a small break.

Wait, there's Wii U emulation?

Every area of the map has unique and mysterious looking geography that I don't see a lot of if fantasy games. Makes the world actually feel full in a game like this for once. I wonder if the devs lucked into it or really planned out every small section of the overworld.

Yeah CEMU. It runs on most mid-end hardware...

Attached: wow!.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

I feel like they planned a lot of stuff and then they decided to use most of it just to be extra content. Like the abandoned temple hidden in the base of the big ravine or the entire beach town. They're just things that happen to be in that world, but they do not have absolutely anything to do with the game. They're just there for you to discover them if you come across them. It's great.

Attached: Lurelin Village.jpg (1550x775, 170.45K)

Zoomers can't remember that. ;)

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That's a really beautiful painting.

Artist is Airi Pan

>Big empty map with nothing in it meme

I hate this shit design so much. I hate GTA for encouraging others to do it, I hate Kojima for doing it in his hipster game, I hate that LoZ is now gonna keep doing it and I hate that every open world fuckface game is gonna continue this dark ritual alive. Big empty fucking map with fucking nothing in it to discover, do or even talk about. Look at how big my map is. You can run in it, or fly in it. To get nowhere, because there's nothing extra to do in it but look at the size of it though.

BotW's fanbase wasn't alive back then, they are physically incapable of remembering that.

That fucking town, god damnit, I had to google "How to use oar with boat" only to be told that you can't and have to use the leaf

Love the game but god damn that shits me

Nigga 50 hours is like 2 games worth of entertainment what you mean?

All the open world busywork in BotW is Assassin's Creed fault, you retard.

That would have been neat, though you also can push them by using anything metallic with magnesis, which is a lot cooler.

>video games

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It never gets bad since just walking around the world is a treat but the game plateaued for me in the very first few hours. Doing Great Plateau followed by going directly to Hyrule Castle on Master Mode on my first playthrough was incredibly fun and everything after just didn't compare. It had some other nice moments like discovering the Forgotten Temple and Eventide Island for example, even if I disliked how all these interesting places had to give you was a shrine and nothing else.

Cool, I'll check their work. Thanks!