Which of these two is the superior game?

Which of these two is the superior game?

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Chrono Trigger

chrono trigger ofc

If you honestly think that putting FF6, let alone ANY other FF game... or even all of them combined... against the utter perfection and balance between art, story, and gameplay that is Chrono Trigger, is a fair content, then you are extremely fucked in the head.

i know its you

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Storywise I could not get into Chrono Trigger. It jumped around too much and I am picky about time travel stories.

Chrono Trigger, and VI is my favorite Final Fantasy.

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>VI is his favorite
>posts non-canon blonde Terra

>gameplay: ct
>story/characters: ff6
>music: both
It comes down to what you value more from the experience. I personally like ff6 more, but both are in my top 10


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Amano was drunk and confused Terra with Celes when he was drawing. His blonde fetish does not make it canon.

If you were actually devout to the original release you'd call it FFIII or you'd call her Tina, so you can get fucked.

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>you'd call it FFIII
I'm not a shart

this is like having 2 children and then someone asks "which one do you love more?"....

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Chrono Trigger, but not by much
has slightly better everything


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Chrono Trigger's setting and characters were fucking lame compared to FFVI. FFVI wins by a country mile, I honestly didn't even enjoy CT that much I just pretended to because its fanboys are so pushy.

Whichever one gets you to shut the fuck up and stop making threads.

This is my first thread in a while, you must be confusing me with someone else

Should I play ff6 with the brave new world hack?

I started ff6 the other day but cant bring myself to continue. The 2d and lack of animations is just too old now.

Esto es el fin, Vegeta (Forma mágica malvada)

Attached: Gohan Verde.jpg (866x483, 81.73K)

Chrono Trigger. It has a more interesting setting, a more provocative theme, and a better overall philosophy. VI is still good in its own right.

I didn't finish Chrono Trigger, but probably that. FFVI gets very dour and dull after that part with Kefka, and I hate the fact that one of your characters can try to kill herself. A little too dark for a kids' game IMO. There's also the problem of most characters being worthless, especially Umaru, Gogo and a few others I forget. And yes, Edgar went too far with that Relm comment, should've rewritten it completely for english.

you should play it vanilla and if you want to replay, THEN consider mods

CT because less glitches.

Those leggings make my precum drizzle out of my dick.

you sound like a beta cuck

the gameplay for chrono trigger was a little less boring, so chrono trigger I guess

Umaro is OP

6 had better individual components, while CT is the better complete package.

Chrono Trigger, but that's only because the game was worked on by both of Squares teams.

FF6 was fantastic, but CT just knocked it outta the park.