Run into enemy

>run into enemy
>they build a fucking mansion in a split second instead of engaging in a firefight
>run out of ammo trying to kill them behind 7 walls
>get rekt because you can't fight back

Watching paint dry is unironically more fun than this trash

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learn to build abtard


>all these great games
>people wanna play the one where you materialize 3 story, fully fabricated homes instantly mid combat

Idc if it takes skill. It looks stupid. Blame Minecraft.

You think the fortnite world suffers from housing oversaturation?

what is it about fortnite specifically that filters Yas Forums so hard?

because Yas Forums is full of contrarians and they have a hard time admitting this game might have some fun elements to it and they also have an even harder time admitting they just suck at it and are getting dumpstered by literal children. so they'd rather just pretend like they're game experts who are above Fortnite lmao

like, there's other BRs. if you don't like the build mechanic then either adapt or fuck off

Vanilla fortnite was actually fun i played the first few months it was out but once it got popular they added a bunch of gay mechanics.

The fact that it runs on 'hate what is popular' groupthink, and so whenever someone actually points out that most people just have no idea how to play, the pain of getting dabbed on by zoomers intensifies and people have to make up the dumbest excuses as to why they are superior for sucking at something which is actually demanding.

>this game might have some fun elements to it
Until comp niggers start bitching hard
E-spurts was a mistake

Amazed at the amount of retarded zoomers ITT playing into the hands of their Sino-Zionist overlords. Enjoy your skinner box, kids.

>three, count em THREE Fortnite threads up right now

any fun elements are immediately ripped out because the community is filled with the dumbest fuckheads on the planet, for some reason boring as fuck turtle-ing is considered top-tier gameplay in nearly every competitive circle of every genre and i cannot fathom why.

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I don't know why Epic push so hard for battle royale being the 'main mode'. There's the perfect opportunity for all kinds of other formats to work competitively, but they're all treated as gimmicks.

maybe don't play that game if you don't like its weird building mechanic

dunno never touched this shit

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>I don't know why Epic push so hard for battle royale being the 'main mode'.
They didn't. Originally it was a co op game, and no one cared about it.

Just play other games, ones not made for Young teenagers and kids

There's literally no point building, the game is populated by kids who only build because they see other people doing it, none of them understand how to build or even why, they just build LOTS as soon as they are engaged.

There are good builders but they are so rare there's just no point doing it when you can bully some tard up in his tower

I dont like when normalfags invade my game so its only polite to not invade theirs.

That's my entire point. It was never design as a royale, but now they act like it was, despite the mechanics being fit for all kinds of formats.

I don't even play this shit and I can see how the building mechanics can raise the skill curve dramatically over the standard fare of the guy who shoots first and has marginally better aim winning out 9 out of 10 times. If you can't deal with this shit just go play PUBG.

>hiding rises the skill curve
>building a ramp is skillful

It's like any cover system or utilization of map positioning, only more flexible and extended vertically. The building of these things alone isn't skillful so much as how you factor them into winning an engagement.

No it isn't, I play this game and building requires no thought at all, all you do is press the build button and circle between ramp and wall. The building meta is pretty stupid.

They suck at it. People are losing to 12 year old kids because they refuse to adapt and so shits on the game.

Oh I’m sorry, where’s your Fortnite championship? Oh wait. You don’t have one because you’re just a shitter.

On paper I get why Fortnite is so popular. I have no animosity towards it but for some reason everything about it actively disinterests me.

I don't care much about the game, mostly because it's what 8 year olds keep gushing about which makes me feel pretty out of place with the entire thing, but I do have to say high level play where people build stuff quickly is pretty satisfying to watch

>game has a 50v50 mode
>building actually has use to it because you make large walls/ramps/bases etc for your team against the enemy team
>the only point building serves in solos/squads/etc is to make shitty walls in front of you to magically block bullets and be rebuilt over and over instantly
>they choose to remove the fucking 50v50 mode of all things

I'm not even mad, just dissapointed at the sheer amount of wasted potential that goes on with this games development

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How the fuck is that relevant? Where's your championship faggot? You don't even play the game, all your opinions are invalid.

Is realm royale any better

the fact its unironically a bad game in terms of being a game

it was a great concept with the 'fantasy setting' battle royale that the devs completely missed the point of by just adding guns that were widely better than anything else in the game.

there's no build autism, but the gameplay is just wholesomely bad

which sucks, cause the co-op game is actually the better game. the battle royale is a cool playground but ultimately pretty meh in terms of fun