Can we have a thread on monster collecting/capturing/raising games, preferably about giving this subgenre a proper name? I think "Monster Cockfighters" is a good candidate since making monsters fight is a unanimous concept among them.
Can we have a thread on monster collecting/capturing/raising games, preferably about giving this subgenre a proper name...
Earlier today I realized that Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals combat is just a worst Yo-Kai Watch Blasters even though it came first. And now I wish that was a real cross-promotion.
Post your biggest monster bro
gonna get Kindred Fates in 2022, i think it will slap ass
I remember trying to play this game but I lost my stylus so I couldn't punch in the cards correctly so I dropped it
Is there a game where every monster is viable? I feel like Pokemon is especially guilty of having a flow of having a bunch of shitty pokemon, then by the end game or competitive you are using nothing but the same 5 or 6 legendaries, pseudo-legendaries, and your starter.
I wish there were more of these that were actually good. Idk why but I fucking love them and will even play shittier ones if the monster designs are good
Many Megami Tensei games you can do that with some grinding.
Which ones do you think are good perchance? Both in gameplay and designs.
I want to say Fossil Fighters, but I played them competitively.
*I never played them competitively.
Well I like early pokemon. I like digimon but most of its games are bad or mediocre. I really like both Jade Cocoons, been playing the second one right now and even though it's budget it's a lot of fun and the monsters are mostly all pretty cool.
Are you sure about that? From the Kickstarter trailer I watched it looked like it had some major issues. I would ignore those if it had a tunneling worm or snake though.
Is that it? That must suck.
I want to finish this but I really hate grinding. Is there a good place to grind my anti-ice team that isn't the spooky forest? Or at least something to do while grinding like the location of a rare thing.
I never played Robopon, should I try it out?
I think Yo-Kai Watch is great and everyone who disagrees with me should provide a couple reasons why at least.
Why do digimonfags try to insist this game is good? I ask because I am a digimonfag, is my fanbase evolving into pokemon's?
God spectrobes designs were so fantastic, I wish the series would come back.
Honestly underrated, it has a lot of unique systems that make the gameplay very fun, robopon customization is sort of like a materia system from a FF game, Lots of them to collect/customize, the areas are fun to explore and pretty unique for an rpg, even if it's rather dated
I only speak for the original though, still need to try the GBA one
Absolutely based taste OP
That image was the only reason I played this game
It was god awful
I personally liked Hacker's Memory a lot more because you could spend little events with characters you like but it is more less the same as Cyber Sleuth. I think Next Order is the better of three in terms of difficulty. I wouldn't say CS and HM are good though, even though I did spend like 60 hours on both.
I love Yokai Watch, my only issue with it is that they got rid of the QR codes that let you instantly recruit Yokai, forbidden fruit or whatever it was called. The Blasters mode in YW 3 is fucking perfect and adds too many hours of gameplay to an already long game. The game is a hell for completionists but besides that it is the kind of fun and creativity that I wish more games had.
Only Origins is awful, the first two are just ok and not as good as the first one respectively.
I don't want to talk about monster COLLECTING, I want to talk about motherfucking monsters and their biology. It doesn't even have to be a game focused on monsters. I'll start with monster hunter. A lot of the monsters have some way of life and its reflected in the way they move or fight. My biggest question concerning these monsters are the mineralvores, including uragaan, dodogama, and brachydios. Is it possible to have a diet consisting almost entirely of minerals for a large creature? There is some bacteria that lives off sulfur but its a simple lifeform compared to monsters.
You can argue that its creativity is just making puns and making characters out of them, but I still respect that they did that. It takes cojones to put this on store shelves.
I don't think the people who make these games think about biology when making the monsters, that's why so many of them have excuses for these questions. I mean try to explain how this thing can even live.
Digimon World Next Order's on sale, 85% off. So if you want to see why it isn't as good as the first one now's your chance.
So it's not illegal to make a Pokemon clone and sell it? I assisted on an indie project trying to ape Pokemon but the dev was going crazy trying to come up with unique names for all the creature types (water, bug, etc.).
I think its an entertaining challenge to come up with a monster and include some biological aspects to it. There's an entire field of thought about this called speculative evolution/biology. I'm not an expert though and honestly a biological role or purpose isn't all that important in the context of a game. There are already plenty of unusual organisms that exist in real life so it's fun to expand on those unusual aspects.
don't us ethe word cock in Yas Forums or else you'll turn this into a gay thread. you know how desperate and thirsty they are for a dick