Does Yas Forums like dragons?
Does Yas Forums like dragons?
I'm more of a wyrm man myself
what are some games with tummies
Only if they're small and I can impregnate them
yes, even if she's dumber than the stone she carries
>that loli girl is actually a 10000 year old Dragon
i fucking hate this trope
I mean if you people believe a little girl is a Dragon how come i'm stretching when i say you are probably a pedophile for liking little girls?
Why does that dragon feel the need to wear clothes?
Not video games
Fire Emblem is indeed a video game
Whats wrong with her finger?
Yes, I indeed like dragons.
Because one is real and one is not
whats wrong with her neck?
>that loli girl is actually a 10000 year old Dragon
>i fucking love this trope
I want to rape Nowi with my ridiculously thick adult cock until she's about to burst with my seed
They're ok.
What's with the anti-loli faggots lately
get checked for Testosterone toxicity
>here what I cum to, everyone
This board is so gay.
They got BTFO on Yas Forums. The whole board was cherring on too. Yas Forums and Yas Forums go back and forth on who is the king of cute and funny
It's the same guy, the posting style is some weird stilted bad English stuff, it's kind of funny actually
>They got BTFO on Yas Forums. The whole board was cherring on too.
Cape hides part of her shoulders.
I wanna play with her nipples and lick her tummy
haha he misspelled the last word
Some lolifag got a huge get on Yas Forums and some redditors got pissed and did the typical false flagging for 3DPG, shitposting and then most of them got banned, and one a month ago got a public ban.
Myrrh is better
Everyone does.
user your high testosterone is bad for you! It's making your taste patrician and your balls swell