Fire-Fire in the hole! Fi-Fi-Fire in the- Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole! Fi-Fire in the hole!
Fire-Fire in the hole! Fi-Fi-Fire in the- Fire in the hole! Fire in the hole! Fi-Fire in the hole!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Load half-life
>click Custom Game
>switch to CS
maximum comfy
>Ti-Ti-Ti-Time has been added.
>Sentry beeps and rocket sounds
>Scout death screams
Wheres the bomb?
That GSG9 attire was pretty sweet.
I always picked SAS because gas masks are cool
*spams weapon switch just to see the animation going off*
Who the fuck doesn't launch directly into Counter-Strike?
hl.exe -game cstrike
>Get out of there its gonna blow!
>Get out of there its gonna blow!
>Get out of there its gonna blow!
>Get out of there its gonna blow!
>binds crouch to the mousewheel
>becomes impossible to hit
i hated this so much
>gun game
>everyone on grenade level spamming grenades
Reminder that Yas Forums hates 1.6 because they suck at games. CS is peak FPS (yes, better than Quake)
Is it just me or has there been an increase of cs 1.6 threads on this board lately?
>1v1 or 2v2 in mansion or ary variation with friends
>one was really good and kept turning off the lights and stalking us
>sccary as fuck but also fun as hell
I wanna go back
honestly playing Valorant recently made me more interested in older CS games. Yes, even Condition Zero.
dangerously based
>tfw no more comfy ZM servers with bros chilling and shit talking for hours on end after school
>Spawn as CT in cs_office
>Ok team let's go.
>Hostage down
>Hostage down
>Hostage down
>that 1.6 map you loved playing but don't remember the name and will never EVER find again
Jailbreak servers were te greatest. I loved playing that shit.
those ZM servers were fucking horrible, everyone modded their servers so much that it took like 30 minutes to download everything and it were mostly shitty models when they already had the ones from HL
What are you talking about, i clearly remember !vip_truck
I only play Counter Strike offline with bots
WIll they ever add new Terrorists / CTs to GO? Or are we doomed to have awful looking cash grab player models now for people to grind.
>never picked CT because fuck the police
>We never got the Georgian riot police despite the model being finished and in-game already.
Best T boi
>TFW you go full durka durka and dab on western zogbots with the AK
reminder that the the terrible movement in CSGO is what holds it back the most.