Are your tastes in vidya actually your own Yas Forums?

are your tastes in vidya actually your own Yas Forums?

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there is like 2 good games in that list and none of them is a fallout game


i actually like it, it's pretty much the equivalent of halo around these parts

im still looking for 9 games i love enough to put in a 3x3
i only have 3-4
>halo 1
>witcher 1
>yakuza 0
>(Maybe)Witcher 3

>Hot miami
come close

yes, i like TES III, VtMB, PS:T, F:NV, Deus Ex, Fallout (1997), Fallout 2, Bloodbourne, and STALKER

Haha it makes a little man

Attached: file.png (231x296, 188.89K)

Why 3 fallouts

Hotline Miami is one of my favorite games of all time, it would def go into my 3x3, too bad I've never made one.

fuckin lmao

yeah, i could buy 200 recommended games and still finish 0 if i don't like them

try 0, you mindless consoomer

Based, fuck westerncucks

suck my dick, chang

>putting Fallout 1 AND 2 in the same list
Why? 2 is just 1 but better.

How can you not love bloodborne

by being a pcfag


Attached: THE anime 3x3 compressed.png (1642x1642, 3.9M)

Who would have guessed a group of autistic man children who all visit the same website would have similar tastes in electronic children's toys?

Imagine actually enjoying J"RPG"s

the only good anime on that list are azumanga and hxh

holy this is the worst 3x3 ever lmao

i'm not retarded so i can come up with my own opinions, i do love morrowind, deus ex, stalker, and torment though

Everyone who has played these games, likes these games. It's true that many people pretend to like them (having never played them), but that doesn't make them not good.

The only games on my 3x3 are games I made because I'm already the best

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Here we go again.

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I think the issue isn't that people like these games, but that they consider them their favorites.

Is that a philosophical question?

I'll never understand the point of making your choices somewhat cryptic.


Attached: 3x3 4 v.png (1554x1554, 3.52M)

quintessential "put as many obscure pictures of games as possible so you are safe from criticism" 3x3

No the issue is people list these games as the be all end all of taste in order to feel like they fit in

Based Dokurobro.

if you don't understand it means you haven't played them
it's circlejerky

t. tranny autist

3x3 fags are incredibly autistic

Why isn't nier automata on there?

I bet you two couldn't even name most of them
Also, image is out of date, didn't realize I posted the wrong one
Based (just ordered in the BD, fuck Discotek for not having a Canadian warehouse)

Attached: the NEW anime 3x3 compressed.png (1639x1639, 3.88M)

autistic retard

I guess they think it looks better, but at that point you're just making it for yourself and there's not much of a point in sharing it.

Wait, how the fuck can you criticize something if you don't recognize it?
Everything in his image is part of the logo, title screen or cover.

I assume so. I don't give a shit about impressing Yas Forums

kizu is the only good anime on there

I won't obliterate you for the moeshit simply because you also have Code Geass in there

>he hasn't seen sunred
>he hasn't seen ideon

Attached: end of evangelion.png (986x720, 696.89K)

there's a lot of these

Attached: retard1.jpg (760x596, 360.05K)

none of them are in that image so it must be

i think you meant to say sunred is the only good anime on there

Anyone who feels like they need to be vindicated on this website, let alone in a attention seeking 3x3 thread is beyond pathetic.

Please, give me your well thought out reasoning as to why it's Tranny Autist shit. I'd love to hear it.

All of those games are good.
But I love these.

Attached: 3x3 2020 under 4mb.jpg (3264x3264, 3.63M)

only thing worse than your taste is you paint skills

Nothing on there isn't a game that isn't talked about regularly on Yas Forums at least once a weak, besides maybe PSO and SMT IV specifically.

yeah, im still thinking hxh and azumanga are the only ones that arent shit

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not even subconsciously? you are the 1%

so was this made by a butthurt tendie or snoy? anyway

>Super Castlevania IV
>Super Metroid
>Blood Omen

>Colony Wars
>Metal Gear Solid

>Jak and Daxter
>Dragon's Dogma

Bet you're a 2011fag

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>I bet you two couldn't even name most of them
is that supposed to be a bad thing? you're not on Yas Forums autist

It is a bad thing because it shows you're not cultured

anime isn't culture fag


by looking up gameplay footage and pretending to have played the games
besides, some of these symbols look so universal and non-iconic that you have to have played them very recently to remember which games they are.