Granblue Fantasy Versus

>Game dies within a month

Why did Granblue shills lie to me

Attached: zooi.jpg (900x506, 81.37K)

But the game has been out for longer than that!

>lose 98% of lobby matches
>still have fun

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All fighting games die within a month

Same. So long as I eventually win one round I feel like I'm making progress

What do you mean it died within a month? It's still being played.

Post you playing it right now.

If they don't post that the games dead in the OP they'll die instead. Please understand user's plight.

Pretty sure once Relink come out it'll be abandoned

You've been saying it's dead every day since before Japanese launch.

I don't play gbvs that game sucks

I play GBVS that game is good

Play it anyway

>coming out ever

He can't keep getting away with it.

Every fighting game dies in a month after release.
Every fucking last one of them.
That's why I constantly ignore fighting game faggots.

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Still easy to get matches and the game is actually pretty fun

So whens belial after Zooey?

How the fuck do I find lobbies on the west coast

the los Angeles lobbies are dead, no one joins my rooms. i just fucking want an actual long set not pussy ranked one and dones

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fall this year. so probably round september october

super smash brothers ultimate

Is the delay bad when going to the NY lobby?

It would have been perfect if it was a 3D game instead.

Didn't it get into EVO this year?

>Fighting game

That’s a good question. I guess it wouldn’t hurt just to constantly ask around.

>Already bought the game on Steam
>Some guy near me is selling the jap special edition with all codes at 50 bucks
>It's all sealed except for the game disc, which he opened and played once then dropped it
Shit. Should I buy this or not? I feel like I can resell it on ebay at like a hundred bucks.

most of west coast just makes private lobbies or joins NYC lobbies which is standard for west coast
norcal are a bunch of cucks though with bad internet that refuse to play online at all because they blame everyone else for their bad net. Remember, as shit as it is, solid 5 delay is better than variable 2-4 delay.

i dont wanna join the east coast lobby and fight one bars wtf

Its not bad, I'm US and played people in EU just fine

im not a fighting game player but why do they always die out so fast

The bars pretty much don't tell the truth. I've had 2 delay games with 1 bars that stayed steady for 10 sets. I've had full blue that spiked between 4 and 18 delay in a single round.

Because its a niche 1v1 genre that requires new people to lose repeatedly in order to learn, and that is pretty stressful in 1v1 scenarios.

sfv and tekken still alive

When the coomer cooms, he looks for new lewd to consoom

>I can't do the moves
>these characters are broken
>why do they hit me but I can't hit them
>it's lagging
>you're too sweaty you try hard
>wow really you're just going to spam?
etc. etc.

Both are dying now that there are no tournaments and most people hate the updates. If anything we're starting to see what games particular players actually like since they're going back to playing their favorites with friends. They'll still have brand recognition, but without tournament obligation and no paychecks the allure has dropped.

All the casuals who were hype left out

All the "This is the fighting game I'm going to learn people" died out

and once streamers see their numbers drop they move onto whatever makes them money

very few people ACTUALLY like video games.