Some user posted this on Yas Forums and /vp/ but there is no seed let's fix that

Some user posted this on Yas Forums and /vp/ but there is no seed let's fix that .


Attached: No_hope.PNG.png (340x405, 78.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A non magnet link


what the hell is this

seconding this and bumping by curiousity

thanks for the dolphin porn bro

What am I supposed to do with 12.6 gigabytes of dolphin porn?

Every single fan made pokemon game and rom hack. I should have put it in the title .

It was Made by this user

Attached: work.webm (720x798, 2.87M)

What is this supposed to be, exactly?

Attached: 1540930338114.gif (369x377, 387.87K)

Don't download. It's 5 gb of dolphin porn. You have been warned.

Can you guy do any research .
It's 44gb of dolphin porn

I hate when I forget pic

Attached: 20200424_195627.jpg (718x222, 31.46K)

Bump for seedsssssss

Attached: 1556704944872.png (1186x748, 158.33K)


Attached: 1587762706736_original.png (803x677, 195.65K)

>44 GB of Pokemon games
hot damn

Not all of it is in english but

This nigger literally collected and patched every thing .

What kind of autism is this

Attached: 20200424_203200.jpg (720x1125, 86.2K)

>It's gonna take me 3 full goddamn days to download this
Holy FUCK It's not even 1% done yet

If you uncheck the spanish chinese etc ones it goes down to 20gb+-



Attached: a8c.jpg (785x1000, 130.38K)

>I should have put it in the title .
Why didn't you? Dipshit.

How did I really to the wrong person ? Anyway dont unchecked any thing user or else .

Attached: 1539410978922 (1).jpg (552x524, 71.63K)

All this is doing is making yourself look retarded. Like, special needs retarded. Wojaks and faggots like you are cancer

Attached: tenor.gif (498x337, 1.06M)

Before I waste my time with the link is there a gen 3 hack template with up-to-date mechanics?
Every mon up to gen 8, modern abilities, megas, D-Max, Raids, etc? I've got an idea for a hack but I can't seem to find an all-in-one thing.

>like, special needs retarded
ok what did you think you were accomplishing by phrasing it this way

But why was he black?

Like that your skull is empty like the more serious cases I've seen

Yes gen 3 improvement > hyper emerald

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 230.45K)

Alright I'll check it out.

What games is best to start with

basic bitch all pokemon harder difficulty hacks probly

>Sending them all patched
Why not just ips files so it's not 44 fucking GB

Gaia has all mons ingame up through gen 6 (although they aren't all catchable), phys/special split, most of the new moves, and even mega evolutions

Pre patched is a bitch . Nobody likes it and most of the space is the fan games