>temporarily laid off last week
>getting bored of games
>wake up today with a craving for Underrail
Please don't do this to me, I don't want to sink another 200 hours into this game. I'm thinking of doing a DOMINATING acid pistol build.
Temporarily laid off last week
dont worry user your second time will be much quicker
I had such a good time with my DOMINATING build. Hope you have a good time if you go into it.
This. Especially if you've tried DOMINATING before.
This is like my twentieth character, I've beaten the game 4 times on Normal and once on DOMINATING. I think I have autism.
are you using oddity xp still? imo it's a waste of time afte you've beaten the game a couple times with it
Yeah I came to the same conclusion as you. For my first few characters I did oddity, but now I do classic. I still dig through every single trash can.
just play age of decadence or divinity 2
I've beaten both. Nothing scratches my CRPG itch like Underrail does.
>age of decadence
How is AoD? I tried it once, I could not into the combat.
>thinly veiled shill thread
I'm assuming its on sale?
I just really like the game man.
It's on sale ;^)
If it helps you to sleep better at night, please feel free to assume I am shilling.
that's surprising
decent writing but the combat is a bit weaker than underrail
Might give it another shot. I heard it's pretty interesting. Thanks user.
>that's surprising
I unironically believe Underrail has achieved peak CRPG combat. But the story and questing is mediocre so I play the game at 5x speed using Cheat Engine.
user have you played any of the shadowrun games? the most recent 2 have kino tier writing
>unironically believe Underrail has achieved peak CRPG combat
Agreed. Love that shit.
>questing is mediocre
Maybe some of the older quests, but most of the stuff in expedition was great. Looking forward to Infusion. You can really see how the quality has improved.
I tried Dragonfall but dropped it after around 4 hours.
my condolences.
>Maybe some of the older quests, but most of the stuff in expedition was great. Looking forward to Infusion. You can really see how the quality has improved.
I think the problem for me is that I've done every single quest multiple times already, so for me they just feel like a chore that gets in the way of levelling up and getting back to the combat.
firearm pistols are kino
What would you say is the best Shadowrun game?
>I've done every single quest multiple times already, so for me they just feel like a chore
Fair enough, man. The combat is great. What are some of your favorite encounters?
For me, it's the Shopping Mall.
The mall is definitely up there for top encounters. I actually really like the encounter in Expedition with multiple statues. Also, early game when your combat tools are fairly limited and you've really got to push yourself and plan every encounter out well beforehand.
I feel like I'm the exact opposite with underrail (and CRPG's in general), fights almost always play out in the exact same way even on dominating with meme builds so I want to finish up fighting to get back to the story
then again I'm only able to play through most crpgs 2 or 3 times at most before I've done all the possible story stuff
>multiple statues.
Never got around to doing it myself, but I probably could've if I tried on my last DOMINATING run. I completely stomped the 3 Nagas in the Security Headquarters.
>Also, early game when your combat tools are fairly limited and you've really got to push yourself and plan every encounter out well beforehand.
Yeah. I like that element as well. Most enjoyment I get from Underrail is from encounters you're underleveled for. After you become build complete at level 20, things just get a bit more boring.
reminder to not play the expansion, but have it installed for more items/builds
I've also played through a bunch of times and I have a confession.
I stop playing when I enter DC, I consider the game beaten at that point.
another reminder that this shit ain't fun and I can't even imagine what it's like to be a melee character throughout this whole shitshow
I dropped my fucking spear guy because of this shit
hong kong, but it's only like 5% better than dragonfall. if you really want to have a good time with the combat then look up some meta builds for your first run or two. I didn't but that's because I'm the autistic story fag that typed this
Shopping Mall guy made me remember the rush of sniping those psychic lunatics.
>hitting vangas with a 23% chance
nothing comes close
depends on what kind of melee, but mostly grenades and traps, the spear aoe skill is nice too, its also really easy to make yourself immune to their damage so it doesn't really matter what you play