Damn, my character can look like that... Dare I say CODE VEIN is based?

Damn, my character can look like that... Dare I say CODE VEIN is based?

Attached: 1.png (1109x1022, 1.28M)

the neck down clashes completely with the neck up

she can clash to this dick

bros why is latex SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE

Looks like a bimbo


That's kind of hot.

Attached: 1524193027315.jpg (1079x1079, 115.83K)

that's what makes it good

Do not order from the chinese. In time, you will know the tragic extent of my failings.

Hank hill ass

I feel your pain too

It was kind of the point. Is this more to your liking?

Attached: 2.png (949x997, 1.5M)

Attached: this game sucked but here is my waifu.jpg (3840x5400, 3.92M)

What are some games with cute character creators like this?

Too bad the gameplay is fucking shit and only 2H STR is viable.

At the top of my mind FFXIV and BDO


Literally everything is viable. The only things that are notably worse are axes and bayonets.

this game is such a fucking tease, i got the rocket hammer and it was shit

PSO2 has really good customization.

Attached: pso2.jpg (1920x1080, 393.72K)

NA PC next month right?

Pretty sure Nioh 2 has a pretty solid character creator, but I haven't played it, just seen some clips of Aris fucking around in it.

Correct. Either May 19 or 26 since updates roll out on Tuesdays and they said late May.

Attached: correct.jpg (1920x1080, 436.52K)

Too bad the gameplay is swallow as fuck and the UI sucks major dicks.

Attached: swallow.jpg (2901x1934, 416.99K)

This game fucking sucks.
The only good thing about it is the character creator.
I absolutely fucking hate the combat so much.

Attached: CODE VEIN_20200201233841.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)


Maybe staring at your character's ass will distract you from the shit level design and cringey dialogue

>spend an hour artfully arranging costume parts to look like lewd nipple chains and egg vibrators
>game starts you off in that gross armor


>Ordered from Catfish four fucking months ago
>Corona cucks me
What are some western alternatives?

the character creation is pretty good as long as you want to make a bishie animu fuckhead or a complete abomination. wish it had more variety or at least bodytypes though

Sounds perfect.

Attached: 1423709757893.jpg (600x800, 82.9K)

I can vouch for this statement. It's great for playing dress up with your anime waifu.

How easily Yas Forums-fags could be bought.