How do you feel about soft reboots in video games? Pic very related

How do you feel about soft reboots in video games? Pic very related

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i don't give a fuck about story in videogames, just the gameplay.

Which goes to complete shit when you go to the ship

The guy in the end ain't Chris, I don't care what nuRE fans say. Keep nu guy away from old cast and use another guy for the next game. Ethan had enough getting his hand chopped off already, give the guy a break so he can live in peace with is wife.

I hope going forward that they keep the old cast restricted to cameos and spinoff type games like Chris' DLC. They have been used to their fullest extent, continue on with the things 7 was setting up

>give the guy a break so he can live in peace with is wife.

Fuck that, Mia should die and make Ethan go mental like Evil Dead (RE7's second biggest inspiration next to Texas Chainsaw Massacre). I personally think they should go full Ash Williams with the character, he even has a chopped off hand for fucks sake.

You and me both, sadly RE fans are pathetic soap opera faggots and can't stand the thought of their precious Chris boringfield or Leon faggot Kennedy not taking the center stage in every fucking game.

Honestly Ethan fucking sucked. Make Mia the protag of the next game

Reboots are shit and RE6 should have been the ending. RE7 was a beautiful game but it wasn't Resident Evil. Having a mention of Umbrella and a dude who claims to be Chris Redfiel don't tie it up in the world. It should have been just an original game of theirs in a haunted house and that's it.

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>Reboots are shit and
>RE6 should have been the ending
It effectively was

You don't fully understand what a soft reboot is. Same universe, clean break. Just like RE7

But it wasn't even in the same universe. Having a mention of Umbrella at the end doesn't make it a Resident Evil game, same as Dragon Age Origins is not a sequel to Portal because at the end Sten says "the cake is a lie".

I know what a soft reboot is, but making a game in a haunter house with mud monsters is not what resident evil was about. Some games are allowed to shift direction, Final Fantasy went from medieval stuff to Steam punk to full modern cities with 2020 cars. But a RE game without any zombie menace, or bioterrorism, or any of the old characters or Umbrella? Nah.

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RE5 should have been the ending** Everything that mattered in the RE story was resolved in 5. 6 is the biggest pointless trainwreck that exists.

>But it wasn't even in the same universe
Yes it is retard.

>But it wasn't even in the same universe. Having a mention of Umbrella at the end doesn't make it a Resident Evil game, same as Dragon Age Origins is not a sequel to Portal because at the end Sten says "the cake is a lie".

Most laughable mental gymnastics I've read all day, bravo.

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>Yes it is retard.

Where's the connection? On some dude who said his name was Chris Redfield showing up in an umbrella's helicopter? WOOOW SUCH A CONNECTION.

As I said, a reference doesnt' make that game belong. DA:O is not a portal game because Sten says "the cake is a lie".

There is literally nothing connecting to Resident Evil, hell, it doesn't even make sense, IT'S A HAUNTED HOUSE, and haunted NOT BECAUSE OF THE VIRUS, but with actual spirits and shit.

Unlike RE1, Code Veronica and RE4 where the mansion's monsters are actual zombies or mutated dogs.

Shut up retard.

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>and haunted NOT BECAUSE OF THE VIRUS, but with actual spirits and shit.

This is patently false and it's obvious you have never played the game, kill yourself.

Not because someone makes an argument you can't refute it turns into mental gymnastics.

The game doesn't have any connection to Resident Evil. Hell, Dead Rising 4 has more connection to Resident Evil since you can put Frank in Jill's dress

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>There is literally nothing connecting to Resident Evil, hell, it doesn't even make sense, IT'S A HAUNTED HOUSE, and haunted NOT BECAUSE OF THE VIRUS, but with actual spirits and shit.

Did you play the demo and nothing else? Answer honestly

Please explain to me how this beings can exist.

Monsters in all previous games were mutated humans, or dogs, or aligators, or piranhas or birds.
Please tell me where those monsters mutated from.

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>Make Mia the protag of the next game
Mia fucking sucked. No thanks, she's better than Ethan but why would you want the most bland person in the world as a protag for any game.

You have blatantly contradicted yourself in your own shitty attempt at an argument. You claim a "reference" in dead rising has more of a connection to RE because of a costume, yet actual characters and organizations that exist in RE that show up in 7 don't count just because you say so. I accept your future apology and that you concede to this pointless argument.

When they're executed like 7, I love them. They're RARELY executed like 7 though.

I think killing Mia was the original intention someone say, but they wanted to leave the story on a positive note like most RE games.

>why would you want the most bland person in the world as a protag for any game.
Well they did it for 7.

It's mutated mold, literally. Fucking retard, RE is full of mutated plants and parasites as well. RE7 doesn't conform to your personal standards of what an RE game is but luckily that has no bearing on reality.

They don't ACTUALLY SHOW UP, it's just an image of the umbrella logo on an helicopter you retard.

>with actual spirits and shit
How much of this game have you even touched.

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Aren't some of the people the bakers kidnapped the mold?I could swear i read some of their test subjects were turned into them while most ended up dead

I mean Chris appeared in tons of games already with different designs and actors, same with Jill, I think Claire's VA lasted the longest.

If the next game has a forced female protagonist I won't even touch it. Why can't we go back to male and female protagonist jesus christ.

RE7 avoiding the franchise's clusterfuck story is a good thing.

Resident Evil isn't specifically about Umbrella, nor is it a slice of life anime about the adventures of Chris Redfield.

>People complaining about RE7 not having any RE plot related
Why the fuck would you want to see the generic plot of "Umbrella is bad and they created zombies" for the 215125th time?
A soft reboot is exactly what this franchise needed

Chris Redfield is in the game and he has his own dedicated playable scenario. Can't wait for you to say it's "not Chris". Yes it is, and nothing you ever say will refute this. Oh, not to mention the numerous in game files that reference other RE characters and concepts, and the umbrella logo alone is still enough of a connection to count. Your arbitrary headcanon criteria is literally (as in not metaphorically, as in the classic meaning of the word literally) not an argument.

Classic RE had viruses. RE4/5 had parasites. RE7 has bacteria.

The mold consumes the biomass of organic matter and converts it into more molded BOW's. So in essence yes, but the actual bodies that were the victims of the bakers are just consumed and broke down, then repurposed into mold-matter. Whatever you want to call it.

Resident Evil 7 is one of the best soft-reboots ever.

I wish we could go back to RE just being some literally who being stuck in a really horrific situation trying to survive.

RE has always been pretty undescriminatory when it comes to female protags. If it bothers you now it should have bothered you in Code Veronica, and if it didn't you are a hypocrite