Thoughts on Cuphead?
Thoughts on Cuphead?
It was fun as hell, still waiting for that DLC.
It's fun
Looks gorgeous
I hope they come out with it at al.
great. the unlockable filters was handled sloppily though. since the parryable objects are only pink and have no other visually distinct features, the filters make the game virtually unplayable. i hope they fix this in a patch along with the dlc.
It's kino
it's kino
show me anyone who says it's less than kino and i will show you a motherfucking liar
did they make porn of the one in the middle yet?
Enjoyed it quite a-lot even if in some moments I would beat the living life out of my poor poor pillow. Do be waiting for that sweet sweet content.
...No, not at all.
Whoever decided the run and gun levels should have pacifist rankings deserves to get their head curbstomped into shit smeared concrete that was awful to go for.
oooohhh cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his cuphead and his
What’s the purpose of him being a cup that shoots bullets out of his fingers
Re-played recently, even better than what I remembered
i liked it a lot
If you're going to play multiplayer, then play it when you're both really inexperienced or both masters at it. If you play the whole thing by yourself first then play with a friend who never touched it, be prepared to feel like an asshole and your friend feeling like a dumbass at the same time.
Bosses are great
Run & gun levels are fucking garbage
What do you think their genitals look like?
I don’t like his face
>Run & gun levels are fucking garbage
My 5 year old nephew just beat the vegetable boss on normal and the blue ball boss on simple, with me holding down the attack button for him.
Another straw I imagine.
One of the best indie games ever made.
i beat it a few days ago. great time. my favorite weapon was the charge shot
fun game
I wonder why you couldn't use your weapons on the plane levels.
It’s awesome.
How can people be so shameless?
What was the purpose of Jumpman being a fat greasy Italian?
probably easier to render on NES
>greasy italian
what's weird is mdhr doesn't even mind
It really wasn't that bad. The octopus was the only decently tricky part.