It seems that Final Fantasy VII Remake is a Total Flop!

Final Fantasy XV shipped to stores + digitally sold 5 million copies in 1 day (ps4 4 million + xbox 1 million, probably)

Final Fantasy VII Remake shipped to stores + digitally sold 3.5 million in 3 days (in 1 day = 1.16 million)

Know more why Final Fantasy VII Remake will probably be a Total Flop from link below:

#FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7Remake #FF7R
#FF7Remake #FFVIIRemake #FFVIIR
#PS4 #Playstation4 #Sony

Attached: Final Fantasy VII Remake (Broken Cover - (800x981, 217.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares about FFXV, Barry.

Attached: OkBarry.jpg (1440x1446, 1.28M)

>$350 for the complete game
Fucking kek

and worth every penny

kkk, and who cares about FFXV? XV was a big flop, imagine now how much bigger will be the Flop of VIIR

Good goy

Attached: 1587682633540.jpg (680x680, 90.47K)

the sales of Final Fantasy VII Remake is now down by 90%, Lol, bye bye part 2?

these xv threads are weird

well, it's happen to be true


"Animal Crossing: New Horizons" was released at March 20 and it is still selling 286.586

"Final Fantasy 7 Remake" was released at April 10 and it's only selling 70.652?


There's maybe only a couple people here who genuinely believe XV was spectacular in any way, so yeah.

This is he kind of people that read headliners and believe everything without looking into shit.

>Comparing FF7R sales to FFXV when FFXV required way more money to make with its long dev time and muti platform simultaneous release.
FF7R was cheaper to produce and is apparently boosting PS4 hardware sales ontop of selling over 3.5 million in a couple of days, no matter how you tout it its in no means a failure.

well there you go. nips have shit taste
QED: gatcha shit

>You have to pay the dlc to actually care about the main villain
Yeah, its trash

Is one thread not enough for you Not to mention you have made this thread a few times, including the same Hashtags:

Barry you need to stop

kkk, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a Big FLOP

What's the KKK have to do with you being retarded Barry? Intimidated by Barret?


Gamestat has the player count at 3.6 million today. Which means in the last 11 days the game only managed to sell 100k more than what they announced here. In all fairness it probably sold more than 100k since they included shipped, but still it wouldn’t be that much more. People comparing sales to other PS4 exclusives now have to factor in that’s it’s been two weeks and games like Spider-Man were over 5 million.

This is a very hyped platform exclusive (108 million units) reimagining of a beloved classic with a very expensive AAA budget. 3.6 million after two weeks is extremely underwhelming and disappointing. You can’t blame the pandemic when video game sales overall are up and games like animal crossing are somehow selling over 10 million copies. Stock shortages might have been a thing but not anymore plus there was always digital. This game has no legs

Kill yourself Barry you nigger

>ignoring all the ff7 remake threads praising the game

yeah i think it is safe to say theres a hate campaign going on on 7r on Yas Forums right now
it is quite sad

>that makes it okay to have the exact same thread over and over again
At least they're fucking talking about the game and not it's fucking sales numbers.

liking a game? on MY Yas Forums?

FFVIIR is a Hot Blonde without Brains, Lol

>People buy the FFXIII trilogy
>Realise that it's bad
>People buy FFXV
>Realise that it's a total irredeemable piece of shit
>Fanboys are surprised that the new FF doesn't sell

How long til I stop seeing this game be talked about besides the occasional thread here and there? A couple weeks? A month? This game is gonna end up like Death Stranding and The Outer Worlds.

Attached: 1587751108190.png (676x560, 98.98K)

FFVIIR is a Hot Blonde without Brains, Lol

user's point is that only one thread was needed. how is this different?