Why did FF7R fail to top FFXV's sales record?
Why did FF7R fail to top FFXV's sales record?
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feels FUCKING good
Didn't XV also release on Xbox?
PS4 has 100m install base right now
PS4 + Xbox had 75M @ xv launch
try harder OP Moron.
XV was released for both. PS and xbox
fucking bait hate shit threads
Why dies Barry keep making this thread despite being proven wrong again and again?
whats wrong gaming hating /v moron?
You want an honest answer? It released on two consoles and wasn't released during the middle of a pandemic that has a dearth of physical copies, and yes, most people that want this game want a physical copy. I waited until I got the stimulus package to splurge a little, and during a grocery trip to Walmart I found the game at 50 bucks. Not everyone is as lucky. Until Amazon starts having physical copies again, I doubt the sales will rise meteorically.
>Why dies
Dis to the carded.
I guess they should have announced it way back in 2007 instead
>It released on two consoles
See >pandemic
Oh look, since FF7R is out and everyone loves it, now Barry has to change to sales figures instead of complaining about the game.
Get fucked FFXV-kun.
They couldn't compete with Animal Crossing
God! Nomura is pathetic
Shills are gonna FREAK!
Because FF15 looked fresh and interesting, unfortunately what we actually got was so fucking bad and disjointed
/v has become so pathetic.
boring baits with no weight.
I saw it. Read the rest of my post.
FF7 Remake 3.5 3 Days
Spiderman 3.3 3 Days
God of War 3.1 3 Days
so whats your point OP faggot?
there is no bait, cope.
Don't tell Barry this
Based tabby BTFOing nomura twice in a row
Why didn't they make a tie-in movie and anime series for FF7R?
>first post, comparing sales
>second post, this pic
And it's been like this for the last 6 days or so. Which leads us to question: do you have any new signatures for that shitty petition you stated 8 days ago, or are you still sitting at 31?
They are called Advent Children and Last Order.
hes just one of the 1% faggots that are pissed because it wasnt a 1:1 Remastered Version.
These 1 % Idiots will see, after the next part is released, that it was all planned, to give us a better experience, and than they will say oh what a smart move.....
>units shipped
when will retards learn
It came out during a fucking pandemic.
Because only the dumbest niggers pay 350 bucks for a game
>units shipped in 3 days
>it took 2 weeks for my pre-order to enter "shipped" status