Did you find anything you like at a good price?
Did you find anything you like at a good price?
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Forever asking:
>Gal Gun 2 - $11.24
I already played Double Peace
One punch man game released not even 2 months ago and already 50% off. Ouch
Picked up Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX for half price.
Only other FF I've played is X.
I feel like making a game about Saitama shouldn't be such a mystery.
Just make it a plot where he can't just use brute force and make the problem explode into meaty chunks.
Why do you think Scamco is named like that?
Their anime brawlers are literal soulless asset flips pieces of shit; nothing but scams.
>getting the censored butchered VIII
It's not like the original is a polished gem
>bought three games
>still thinking of buying another
How's that digimon game? Never played one before.
Settled on these.
ED5 is the best one to get, right?
There's a few games I was looking at since I had some money left on my account from a while ago. What should I get? Got like $23 and don't really want to add anymore since I feel like I'll just let the games sit there if I buy too many.
How is Samurai Warriors 4 Empires? SAO Hollow Realisation?
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 for $12 and the DLC for $3
Not sure why its still $60 outside of a sale
If you're a fan of the original dub of Symphony of the Night, don't buy that collection. It has the PSP dub which is "better" in that it's not memeable like the original but it's very unremarkable.
I got AI Somnium files and Oninaki among a bunch of other cheap shit
I really dont mind, i can just look up the cheesy voices on Youtube if I really need to.
Is this port good to play though?
Also, I havent really played any of the 2D Castlevanias, isn't Sympohony of the Night a direct sequel to Rondo of Blood? Which of these should i play first?
Play Rondo first and then Symphony. Just be aware they play differently. Rondo is more like a classic Castlevania in that it's level based with a few things you can do along the way to change shit in the last few levels, while Symphony is more like a Metroid game.
Cyber Sleuth?
I enjoyed it though its a pretty standard monster tamer jRPG outside of the digimon name. Don't go in expecting to be knocked off your feet but its worth playing if you like those kinds of games.
I might get the Castlevania collection. (Rondo of Blood + Symphony)
Which one?
Both of them.
I remember hearing about this game a lot when it came out. Did it turn out to be a meme or is it actually any good?
Is the sale US only?
US has Golden Week the rest has Big in Japan, probably some game differences
What'd you think of DP? GG2 has none of the difficulty and it feels like it was only made for VR. It has superior girls, but that's obviously subjective
How's Chocobos Dungeon?
>paying for a plastic box and half a game
Thank you.
There's nothing like it, so I enjoyed it in my needs of an on-rails-shooter I suppose. The ecchi and the girls were a plus. I loved Ekoro (her secret bad end is the best one).
I found the game way too short, though. And I didn't like the school itself, like, most stages felt kinda boring because it's just a goddamn normal school. So it helped that the stages went by so fast at least.
>has none of the difficulty
Please do explain further.
I have no idea what to buy, and if I try to buy something then I get an instant regret and remove it from the cart thinking that I won't like it when I'm actually playing