Mitsuru Kirijo and her fat fucking tits
Mitsuru Kirijo and her fat fucking tits
Also persona 3 and 4 thread
I love stupidly sized tits.
A challenger approaches!
Very disappointed they're not actually that big in game. Back to Skyrim for me.
Jackhammering Yukari until the room smells of burnt rubber and sex permanently!
>A waifu thread starting with Mitsuru
>IN 2020
What a miracle
All p3 and p4 girls are valid
Hell even p5 girls.
Except Makoto Niijima.
Here comes a double-take
God-tier outfit
Fat tits are nice, but three legs are where it's at.
But junpei
Three legs
finally some good fucking coom
Dude I love oneyplays
I really wish there was more persona porn with the proportions as in the games
How did the artist not notice this at any point?
huge fucking fat tits being hidden under binding is the best
she doesnt have three legs
that's just her ass
My third eye is open, give me some swiss miss
Yes, her very poorly placed, anatomically incorrect ass, which is where the joke comes from in the first place.
>not having 3 ass cheeks
I know what I'm about. Fellow Yuki-bros rep up
The fabled double-brap
dangerously based
I'm going to try to pick up drawing so that in a year or so from now I can draw my own stupid huge tiddies of my own. I have really steady hands: I just need to buckle down and practice the fundamentals.
it's just her leg.
Makoto is such a shitty character jesus fucking christ.
Yes, her very poorly placed, anatomically incorrect leg, which is where the joke comes from in the first place.
>tfw did a podcast with her VA and Chie's VA (golden) and keep in touch with them to this day
Wheres the foot then MANSLEY?
what's wrong with it?
Damn straight. Love this so much.
Isn't Amanda sorta a cunt? Like I appreciate her as a VA, but she fucked over herself by being on twitter
(Also that one photo of her on the toilet - did you ask about that)
The fact that her right ass cheek comes halfway down her left thigh.
I did not ask about that
She's honestly quite nice. At least with me. She even did a small bit with Erin on the podcast where Yukiko says to Chie "let's fuck"
One of the only sizes that matter
She's certainly the weakest in that pic, even the dancing girl.
Even still, I'd say a lot of the outrage is manufactured over her, a lot of that being backlash with her being a fan favourite early on. I'd say Morgana is a worse character than Makoto, and he gets way less shit