I need games with nuns in them, specially if they're playable

I need games with nuns in them, specially if they're playable.
I need to win a bet.

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Dragon Quest Rocket Slime has this character as a usable party member for your tank crew, does it count

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Brutal legend had a demon nun.

Seed of Evil!

kiseki 3

Skullgirls (Double)

Also, elaborate in that bet, I'm curious

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You could use them in the multiplayer too, if I heard right.

Dungeon Travelers 2

La Pucelle Tactics

Tits 3 though there are nuns in all the games I think.



Trails in the Sky the 3rd. The protagonists' love interest is a nun.

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Ries from Trails in the Sky 3 and Ao no Kiseki.

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She belongs to Rean now

Do they fuck in front of the kids?

The nun is the deuteragonist of Trails in the Sky the 3rd.
You have to play the games in order for it to make any sense though.

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You better fucking NOT leave me with throbbing cock now

W-what's this from, anons?

The shotas in this image were 100% murdered

what happens next

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darkest dungeon



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OP, tease and post. Sauce us now.

ABK has a nun with guns

Bad things happen to her, don't they?


Emiliana - Holy Lady's Demonic Covenent

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Why do white men masturbate to people of other "races"/species raping their women?

Labyrinth of Refrain had the lesbian potato nun.

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Orcs are stand-ins for niggers.

Also Bayonetta.

Fuck off. You're not funny.

I don't speak moonrunes user

Is this supposed to be a Attack on Titans parody ?

God I love that game. Rocket should’ve been in Smash instead of Hero.

is she going to be ok

Why nunes? Where are the shrine maidens?

Decadence and weak genes

>The protagonists' love interest
The nun's love interest is the protagonist.