You know the drill

You know the drill.

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I love big asses haha

I like both.


What? Call out your obvious bait when I see it?

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catalog is just going to be this or the vice versa one on repeat for the next two years

Eh both have something to bring to the table.
Want a comfy laid back experience?
Go for JRPGs
Want an inmersive cool world to role play?
Go for WRPGs

WRPGfags KNEEL before YukikoCHADS

imagine owning an apple product. how small is your brain?

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God I want to just feel her ass cheeks.

Imagine being poor and force yourself to cope every day

Me wike big boob bretty gurl

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can we all agree that mass effect is gay

okay zoomer retard, enjoying posting on the le 4chans in the safari app

top is more cringe

here is the sauce on bottom image
youre welcome

Attached: Yukiko Amagi ass.jpg (720x804, 152.67K)

Mods please public ban op

zoomer identified

Fedora neckbeards are pretty much exactly what I picture when I imagine people who play CRPGs

God I can just imagine a huge log of shit pushing itself against her pantyhose

>/g/ tranny
Imagine letting apple products live in your head rent-free when no one else on the planet gives a shit

so you'd fit right in?

>Replay Fallout 2
>enjoyed it
>Play Persona 4 for the first time
>enjoyed it
Win-win situation for me

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Imagine being an absolute pleb who doesn't like both

>COPEing this hard

the only good western RPG is runescape

picture is good

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Bait but mine is better.

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that top paragraph was written by someone under the age of 18.

Man, whether it's western of japanese, I love the idea of RPGs but I have felt disappointed with every single one I have ever played. Feels like they always make big promises that they can't actually follow through on whether it's promises of a huge expansive adventure or in-depth customization or roleplaying it always misses the mark for me.