

Attached: From_Logo.jpg (831x323, 20.25K)

yeah sure bud okay



hey op found a jpeg of ur mom :)))))))

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10/ 10


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BB > DeS > Ds2 > Sekiro > Ds1 > Ds3

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This year alone I have beat demon souls, dark souls 1, dark souls 2 and blood borne

Bloodborne=Demonsouls>Dark Sous=Dark Souls 2

I'm starting Dark Souls 3 this week

Code Vein >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DS1 > DS3 > DS2 > BB > Sekiro

Where do Armored Core and Lost Kingdom fall in that chart.

I always hate when devs just decide to milk their cash cow and forget everything else they ever did. I rank Dark Souls up there with Goat Simulator.

>all bone
This is how a true gamer girl looks like people.

Pretty based

I know it's a bait thread but what are other games similar to sekiro, I enjoyed the combat way more than any souls game

Objectively DeS aged like shit, literally the only good things about it are entirely subjective, like atmosphere and enemy/world designs.


>retard opinions
checks out

Don't engage with tripfags. Attention is all the want, and they don't care if it's positive or negative.


The level design and bosses are the best in the series

Yeah I cannot understand putting DeS above DS1, while it paved the way DS1 is a great example of learning from past projects and fixing *almost* every issue with the past game (not all since they still tried some experimental stuff that failed and of course not finishing Izalith)

I got to Snake Eyez in Sekiro then decided I didn't like it very much.

I just found the constant roadblocks far more annoying than DS1 or 2.

People on Yas Forums rate souls games based on how much they struggled. OP probably couldn't get past a boss or really struggled with Sekiro, so they rated it last.

true. I'll keep that in mind user thanks

The bosses are all either gimmicks or braindead easy now that people actually understand how to play Souls games, again the appeal you see in them is coming from something subjective.
DS3 and Bloodborne have the objectively best bosses.


if you disagree you are wrong

DeS > DS3 > DS > DS2
I don't like compairing those two to DS games, but enjoyed Bloodborne more than even DeS, the first run but doesn't have near the repeatability. Seliro filtered me on the last boss, so I can't reliably rate it. It was good. Probably the best and worst fights of all the games

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I got about 10 hours into sekiro at launch and dropped it because I was annoyed every miniboss was some shitty gank fight. I think I quit right after killing snake eyes in the poison area, not the gun fort version. About a week ago I actually did finish it though and loved it, once you get the combat down and start parrying/counter perilous attacks it feels super rewarding to take down bosses. I'd recommend trying it again, funnily enough later in the game they calm down a bit with the gank minibosses.

Great taste user

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Man this is almost my list except I haven't played Nioh 2 and I'd put BB between DaS3 and DeS.

sekiro>des>bb>>>>>dark souls shit


Snake eyes was a big roadblock for me too, but I found that I would get annoyed at myself for not being able to beat a boss and that feeling made it so much more satisfying when I actually got it done. Just gotta push through and eventually some of the most frustrating bosses will be the ones you remember the fondest

Maybe I should. It took me a second try to get really into Dark Souls but I felt like Snake Eyez was long enough into the game to know whether I enjoyed it or I was just wasting my time.

Silent Line > Last Raven > Master of Arena > For Answer > Another Age > Verdict Day > Nexus > 3 > AC1> Nine Breaker > 4 > 2 > V > Project Phantasma > Formula Front

I have 160 hours on the game and still cheese poison pool Snake eyes, no regrets.

Finally a good ranking

Thanks. It burns me to this day I didn't clear his last phase, but I haven't picked it up in so long I have no idea how I'll get back to that point.

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No Demon's Souls? King's Field?

Snake eyes I will admit is a really annoying boss, the grab attack has 2 seperate chances to grab you so it just feels like you're getting grabbed when you shouldn't. If you didn't fight Genichiro (I missed fighting him when you were supposed to on both of my playthroughs somehow) I would highly reccomend doing that fight, the bosses all felt super satisfying to learn and overcome whereas throwing myself at minibosses and continually dying felt tedious since you usually have to clear out mobs before you can fight them

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>4 below VD
Smart god damn man. The number of people that got introduced by 4 really poisoned the well for V, expecting more of the same. Not that V was any good, mind, but VD was excellent.
Honestly the only thing I'd change is moving SL and AA down and nexus up

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my first playthrough I didnt know you could go to the hirata estate dream until I got to genichiro cause I was looking up who lady butterfly was lol

I found that right away but totally missed the tiny entrance to go into upper ashina castle, I also got lost my first time in senpou temple, made it to the bell that makes enemies harder and couldnt find the correct way to progress the level

I love Nexus, but I find SL to be a tighter experience and I hold a lot of nostalgia for AA since it was my first