>the gay romance
>made by Bioware
>Here comes the progessive lecture
>thinks slavery is okay
Wow. Honestly didn't think they had it in them to write him like that.
>the gay romance
>made by Bioware
>Here comes the progessive lecture
>thinks slavery is okay
Wow. Honestly didn't think they had it in them to write him like that.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's pretty much just David Gaider who wrote him the others writers are obsessed with characters saying their sexuality and being progressive. Ironically enough Gaider himself is gay and hates the pushing of it down your throat
its pretty funny that they were trying to shove it down everyones throat before the game came out and he ended up being the best character in the game lol
Best character in the game?
Bro, dude is a stereotypical boring faggot.
While Iron Bull has an amazing personal quest about an alliance with the Qunari, Cassandra about restoring the Seeker order, Cole about spirits and stuff, Solas about his demon friend, etc.
Dorian quest is:
> My dad hates me cuz i'm gay, call him a bigot inquisitor!
It's fucking bullshit. "Omg inquiistor I love wine, i'm sassy, I love dancing with purple velvet haha and I'm into big dick did I mention how hot Iron Bull is haha"
Please kys if you consider Dorian a remotely interesting character, he's a walking offensive stereotype, David Gaider seriously needs to get cancer and die.
Gayder is a massive retard who thinks having players romance a dwarf would be close to pedophilia and having a female qunari as a romance option is fetishizing istrong women. Mind you he wrote the romance to a beefcake called 'Iron Bull'.
Inquisition for all its faults has some interesting nuance here and there
The game is mostly deserving of shit for its egregious technical issues and terrible design rather than the plot and characters I think
Imagine waking up every day knowing you're gay and looking like that. No wonder he's single.
He sounds like a chaotic neutral irl shitposter
lmao you cant praise iron pansexual and call any other character bad
Fuck the war table. Waste of time.
If they cut out the MMO aspects and made corypheus more involved as a antagonist it would have been an 8/10 instead of a 6/10, mind you Dragon Age: 2 is a 4/10 and Origins is a 9/10.
He also wrote this youtube.com
Gayder just hates romance in general. If he was allowed full control DA would just be a bunch of faggots delivering lore exposition while fighting ancient elven shitheels and it would be glorious.
Are you kidding?
> Sassy black "yaas queen" galmurous black woman Vivienne
> Homophobic evil straight white male Blackwall
> Gay Stereotype Dorian
> Gay BDSM Stereotype Iron Bull
> Feminazi Sera
> Strong empowered woman with a rape fetish Cassandra
> Quirky and dorky muslim Josephine
> Autism Cole
How does the game not deserve slack for the characters? They are fucking walking stereotypes in the mind of a SJW faggot.
Even DA2 had better companions and plot. Oh no, an evil two dimensional villain with 0 redeeming features is going to destroy the world! Save it inquisitor! By doing everything yourself. BTW You might be inquisitor but you will be treated as a lowly scout and people can disrespect you like how Krem calls you trasnphobic after a forced conversation with her.
Dragon Age--the series--even in the lesser titles have always had good romances and at this point it is a major part of it. Morrigan's was sheer kino to my sixteen year old self.
Dude... Corypheous has to be the worst villain in any Dragon Age game, evil 2D villains like Howe had their reasons, jealousy. Corypheous exists just as a Maleficent, an outright evil non redeemable character without having to wonder what his intentions are or why is he that way since he was just made to be evil. Compare it to Loghain, the Arishock and Meredith and it's bullshit.
Not you again, please stop spamming your shitty toon.
Rude :(
Hey man I'm as anti-woke as anyone but all those characters had significant flaws that showed the writer was at least somewhat self-aware and better yet, great ways to torment them. Be careful that you don't become an incoherent gibbering maniac going down a checklist of grudges, just like the people you hate.
>"First thought when thinking of little people is pedophilia"
>"Is gay"
>"Creepy looking, his appearence is basically a pedo starter pack"
> Hates religion because "all priests are pedophiles"
> Constantly tweets stuff promoting drag queens in school
Dorian is based, best bro
>good romances
People who actually believe this are the downfall of this franchise and RPGs in general
I wish he hated religion so much it wasn't featured as a main element in Inquisition along with that cringe hymn scene
This whole game was about being a heavy handed theocrat nazi that answers to nobody
If all the characters can be reduced to stereotypes, you failed as a writer.
There is nothing to Vivienne but being a sassy black woman. There is nothing to Blackwall but being a manly straight white male who commits horrible things and is homophobic towards Dorian. There is nothing to Dorian other than being gay and nothing to Iron Bull other than BDSM sex.
You're deluded if you see depth in DA:I's characters writing. Dorian saying he never questioned slavery doesn't make him complex, it's just a "oh, btw, he's from tevinter, lgbt paradise land, and in tevinter they have slaves, but now our kickass trans Maevaris will end slavery and Tevinter will be good guys cuz they are gay!"
If you can reduce all characters to stereotypes, all it means is you're a fucking doofus
Now knock it off, I've half a mind to consider you a falseflagger also your character looks disgusting
What. The game literally starts with a chapel being blown up and the pope being killed. All about how the chantry is evil and full of flaws, all about how Templars are abusive and bad, characters like Cassandra are shown as stupid and blind.
Having a Disney song doesn't make the game pro religion, literally a huge part of the game is finding out how the maker didn't give you the mark.
>Wanting a female qunari is problematic because it means the male player base want a fit excotic woman
>But this is okay
Low IQ, there is nothing a power structure loves more than to be threatened and have carte blanche to do whatever it pleases in self-defense
Everyone loves a good revenge fantasy and that's what Inquisition is
TBF, I always treated Dragon Age as an in depth Dating Simulator. The combat is always shit, side quests were never interesting and the main plot is just on the background. DA:O literally had an entire DLC so you could get an ending for Morrigan romance. DA2 literally has a scene Cassandra calls romantic in which you have to duel the Arishock for Isabela. DA:I romance was the only important feature about it.
Kek, imaging raging like that because you lost the discussion. Run away now kiddo, leave arguments for people who can make them.
>TBF, I always treated Dragon Age as an in depth Dating Simulator.
A lot of people did and it was all in good fun, but there are always downstream effects and having the focus shift from being a good rpg to omg what are my fuck options has tangible effects on the resultant product
Inquisition is not a "hah, we christians are opressed, we shall rise!", it's literally "Christians are evil and dumb and it's up to atheists and people with other religions (dalish) to save the day".
How can you even think of DA:I as pro religion, jesus christ, you have like 5 talks with Solas about how religious people are stupid sheep while atheists are free and smart.
Goddamn dude you are a headcase and probably adolescent, just get a trip already
You are absolutely an SJW turned inside out, as well as a complete retard. Just do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up.
>good romances
And here I thought that avatarfags cannot be more stupid.
> being a good rpg
Bruh, you clearly haven't met the fanbase.
People never treated this as a good RPG, it even has options to let you have the worst RPG experience and 99% players take it.
Who have you met that doesn't have a mary sue character? Who doesn't pick unrealistic options with 0 loss and a feel good after like saving mages, saving connor, saving dalish AND werewolves, etc?
DA:O had its depth but let's not pretend it was that deep when they couldn't even bother to make you choose between killing Connor or Isolde and instead throw in your face the uno card in which you save everyone by just being good without any price to pay.
Dragon Age big thing was being a dating simulator, nobody plays it for othe reasons. It's all the same with bioware. Andromeda had more effort put in the romance than in the main plot. Baldur's Gate had a nice plot but the romance was important. And ME Trilogy basically had Liara beg you for sex.
Viv is a self hating mage, she doesn't come off a sassy black woman, more like a white waspy woman who was denied her inheritance and takes it out on everybody.
Blackwall was pretty bland, and he is never homophobic toward Dorian, just hates him because he is Tevintar
Dorian is pretty cool, turns on his nation becuase he believe it can be better
Ironbull is pretty meh imo, desu should have been a female
Cole was a neat idea, well done too.
Cassanadra was pretty boring
Solas is only good if you play a female elf who falls in love with him.
I forget her name but the Female elf was a terrible character. Realistically she was have been kicked out, too much of a wild card.
I just wish they did more with the main bad guy. They could have he spawn in at random times and have him attack your party, he can't die, after all, makes no sense for him to just let you keep going on as you quest. He literally had nothing to lose if he faced off against you multiple times.
Even though I prefer DA:O and DA2 romances, some DA:I romances were good. I loved Cullen's, he was perfect, the only problem with his romance is he's as relevant to the plot as a potato, why should my character romance smoeone who could as well not exist? Morrigan had her own entire DLC and she was a must for the main quest. Isabella makes the 2nd Act of DA2 same as Anders makes the 3rd and 1st Act due to him being a grey warden and muslim.
But DA:I wasn't that bad, I hate Solas but his romance is well done, I would appreciate Cassandra more if the character was likeable and it wasn't a "Here ,have flowers" "omg flowers let's have premarital sex".
Inquisition is fucking awful.
>I loved Cullen's
Finally hang yourself, tumblrina.
Dragon Age Inquisition was the worst AAA rpg I have ever played, to the point where I couldn't finish it even though I managed to finish DA2 and ME3. Andromeda might be worse I guess but I didn't play it.
>Viv is a self hating mage
She came off as more pragmatic than self-loathing. As in her beliefs are reasoned, not born purely out of emotion. There is emotion, but its mostly frustration with the exact sort of shit that we all endlessly harped on with DA2's stunningly retarded depiction of mages embracing blood magic at the drop of a hat.
I would've included her in my party but bald people have no place in my entourage
>Viv is a self hating mage
Wrong. She loves being a mage, she lovers her power. She just understands tha if you're born with the power to sneeze and set your mom on fire you need to be locked up and if you get outside of the cage is due to your own work, like her manipulation, sleeping with that noble, etc etc.
>she doesn't come off a sassy black woman
> Darlin' you look dreadful
> Darlin' run along now, leave the matters for grownups
> Fiona, Darlin' you're aging terribly
> Darlin' look at what those people are wearing at the ball, simply disgusting
> Darlin' this
> Darlin' that
The fact that you don't see her as sassy black woman makes me think you're a troll, did you even hear her interactions in party banter? She constantly mocks Solas attire and joins Dorian into talking about fashion. She's as sassy as it gets.
> denied her inheritance and takes it out on everybody.
Ok, you're a retard who thinks mages should run free turning into abominations and killing everyone, I'm not even gonna read the rest when you can't even contemplate someone not being pro mage, bye.
I'm not a tumblerina, it's not my fault he's fucking perfect and dreamy.
>retard who thinks mages should run free
Literally yes. the elves of the past did it just fine.
Also, that's not how a sassy black woman talks. That's how an uptight snooty white woman talks down to people.
>Bioware is dead in all but name being used by EA to peddle vaporware to investors
>Anyone who was with DA before Inquisition has left
PLease, I just want closure.
Shhhh see those SJWs who think black people supporting Trump are fucking niggers who don't know what's better for them? That's how this pro mage people work.
They live IRL, not in a world where mages could explode at any minute and kill an entire village. You literally have 9999999 stories about how people turn into abominations and kill everyone, Meredith entire character revolves around her joining the templars after that happened. DA:O Redcliff entire plot happens because a kid mage who wasn't sent to the circle accepted the demon's deal and he killed half the village, all of it if you allow it. Wynne set a kid on fire, Vivienne tells you stories of kids who killed their own mother accidentally due to magic.
But nahhh mages deserve to bee freeee haha so funnehhh throw fireballs at everyone, summon demons, blood magic, yaay.
Always found it funny it's anti gun people the ones who support mages the most.