*jumps across the room into you with no warning*

*jumps across the room into you with no warning*

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 55.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Be the keeper
>See a Fatty
Good game Edfuck.

Free speech is a power vacuum. Whoever is the loudest is the one in control.

>Whoever is the loudest is the one in control.

Attached: images (1).png (293x172, 8.64K)

>game doesn't save my stats between runs
Am I missing out on anything? All the fixes online seem to be steam specific and i have a pirated copy

Attached: nigger zapper 9000.jpg (532x658, 31K)

>spamming is not allowed in there
Well, so much for free speech.

You mean the stats you gain in a run? nigga I...

What do you mean? It's not like you weren't able to post it, you just posted something off top and are clearly advertising

No I played until I beat Mom but now when I go into stats it says I have 0 deaths and the characters I unlocked aren't there anymore.

>enter a room full of these fucks
>not a single one stays on the ground for more than half a second
also applies to leapers

Attached: file.png (500x563, 18.19K)

>all of the really shitty and cancerous enemies are ripped from zelda
really makes you think

>enemy sprites can go through your head and that's fine
>a drop of blood lands on your shadow and you die
I hate the nonsensical collisions of this game

no way keeper was ever play tested before release, outside of normal difficulty greed mode. There's so, so many instant death room and boss with it. It's practically mandatory to reroll the first are until you get one of the big guns.

why dis lil nigga so cute

Attached: file.png (500x500, 17.78K)

are you playing with mods? until you beat mom without mods once, mods disable progress


Attached: 64502.png (148x125, 1.08K)

>enter room
>6 of these blink somewhere
>bomb the door immediately

seeds and challenges also disable progress

why do ghosts have so many HP anyway? when the whole deal is already that they spawn by pack of 6 nearly every time.

I love Binding of Isaac's gameplay, but the bullshit enemies are making my enjoyment very difficult.
>these cunts
>laser eyes
>blind creeps
>fat sacks
they all suck shit and basically guarantee you take damage

why are boneys allow to spam 2 projectiles per second anyway

forgot pic

Attached: Mobile_Host.png (25x31, 1.4K)

>Takes 500 years to re-appear

>takes 15 seconds to lift its fucking head up
>there's 4 of them

I haven't installed any mods

>that generator faggot that shits black leeches
>and create 2 leeches on death
Absolutely horrendous. Enemies being able to immediatey attack after creation (portal, bosses, over enemies) is pretty bullshit to begin with, the flies often shoot from behind the animation of what created them that's bullshit.

>ruins your boss rush/hush run

Crazy how a mod can make this game way less dense


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i'll give you mullibooms, but everything else on your list is pretty easily dodgable. you might need to work on improving your reaction time.
that one room with the 4 boom flies and a narrow walkway is the pinnacle of undodgable bullshit

I've completed every character's stickynote except for Keeper's. This dude is fucked, man.

Attached: 161dd82e5e3cde3b5cfe58403df993aa.jpg (600x800, 84.13K)

>it's a "anons complain that the game is too hard when it's actually piss easy" Isaac thread
You guys are the reason why Rebirth nerfed everything from flash and made the game a casual cakewalk
I can't wait for Repentance to bring all those things back and make you miserable and force you to get good (this is not wishful thinking, I'm in the isaac discord and it's literally confirmed that nerfs are being reverted)

FUCK you.
All you do is whinge and complain and it's really getting on my nerves
>nooo you cant have a boss with damage resistance i wanna one shot him with my meme poly proptosis deaths touch!!!
>nooo you cant have invinicible enemies that I have to avoid or stop shooting for a second!!!
>nooo I want infinite batteries
>nooo keeper is bad! I can't have 12 soul hearts and literally not worry abouy anything!
>nooo, I have to reroll until I get an OP item instead of just playing the game normally! you forced my hand!

Fuck you faggots
If you only enjoy playing with ridiculously OP builds why don't you just open the console and give yourself sacred heart brimstone right off the bat

i used to think bigger rooms were cool, but now every time i see one on the map i immediately know it's gonna be filled to the brim with annoying bullshit like tons of fat bats, dingles, mobile hosts, gurgles etc

Yup. It was one of those things that was like "Oh, that'll be great!"

They aren't great.

neck yourself
artificially inflating the numbers or weaking the player isnt difficulty
enemy that spends 80% of the time hidden and thus unhittable isnt difficulty

I love lil' horn, easily one of fav bosses ever, its such a joy to fight him, he seems so happy and cute!

Attached: little horn vector.png (213x217, 18.2K)

>starts with free triple shot
>gets extra money
>free shops
>can heal with coins, which are far more common than hearts of any type
>free blue flies
>greed's gullet

Are you fucking me in the neck? Keeper is great
If you only like playing Isaac and rerolling literally every non-S tier item like 50 times then fucking do that, nothing's stopping you

You can't even put a tiniest bit of effort into this piss-easy game
You whined so much that Edmund made Lost op and removed the one thing that made him challenging
You can't have nice things

If it makes winning more difficult than it is difficulty you braintard

sounds pretty based except for
>nooo I want infinite batteries
are they nerfing blank card + jera or something? it's already a pretty infrequent combo, and having broken runs every once in a while is fun

>has a clear timing to jumping, but not moving regardless of the trajectory
Yas Forums has always been horrible at this game.

Not only is it an instant win combo, it's also bullshit: you are copying a battery as you pick it up, so it gets doubled but also goes into your blank card, effectively making a battery from nothing.
I hope they nerf it, but if they don't there's always a mod that nerfs batteries

>Yas Forums has always been horrible at this game.
It's pretty astounding that an average Yas Forumstard is worse in Isaac than the egg man and his short-term memory loss

Forcing the player to guess a randomly generated number between one and a billion on the first try or lose would make a game more difficult but that doesn't make it any less retarded.

I'm not in the server anymore, but here's what I know for sure:
>every enemy's shot speed increased back to Flash levels
>orbitals such as meat cube and sac dagger move at Flash speed (faster than rebirth) which means it's harder to use them for melee
>bosses attack more frequently, especially guys like Scolex, Pin, Big Horn, Hush, etc
>Delirium is being reworked, no info on how exactly
>there are now enemies that can suck your charge instead of damaging you