Characters who didn't deserve it so bad
Characters who didn't deserve it so bad
Why couldn't this series end at MGS3?
surely romchess deserved to see the beach
MGS4 was an excellent way to end the series
get over it, fag
He kind of did deserve it, it was more about getting redemption at the end.
what, you don't like senior citizens? go kiss your grandma on the cheek fag
>MGS4 was an excellent way to end the series
>EVERYTHING was nanomachines
>EVERYONE was the Patriots
>also Raiden is a mopey fag, the series begins seriously circle jerking Big Boss and The Boss
How about no
It seems like people always think Big Boss had it rough, and because he was a "real" human his story was somehow more tragic, but to me, the fact that solid was a test tube baby engineered specifically to kill, and then killing your own "dad". Then saving the world multiple times, once while aging so rapidly you can hardly get around without a suit. All for a race that technically you aren't a part of, for people that don't know you exist, in a country that thinks you're a terrorist... Jesus Christ man and then you find out you're a biological weapon that's going to kill everyone you saved... Fuck dude.
"Snakes had a hard life, he needs some time to rest"
No fucking way. MGS4 is a massive step down in quality from MGS3. I wouldn't want the series to end at MGS3 either, but I certainly didn't want to play a movie with fucking burping monkey, Drebin, and nanomachines being used to explain away every single mystery from the original games.
MGS lost its soul in the transition from 6th gen to 7th gen. Funnily enough, so did Final Fantasy. I think the 7th gen is actually cursed.
>and then killing your own "dad"
He was raised without knowing the concept of "muh biological dad"
He wouldn't have felt shit killing him.
he dindu nuffin wrong and got rekt by snake
So Resident Evil, so Silent Hill. Yup, cursed.
>All for a race that technically you aren't a part of
What? He was born of a woman and they used Big Boss's sperm. Next you're going to say sperm donor babies aren't humans.
Didn't play any SH games, but yes RE games in 7th gen were so fucking bad that it took entire series reboot to unfuck the franchise.
I take nanomachines shenanigans over english speaking parasite any day
>people always think because he was a "real" human his story was somehow more tragic
Not really, that's just Kojima being autistic and saying that Solid didn't have real emotions to justify liking BB better.
>I need to have every subtle point and complex nuance explained by explanations that can never be as good as the unsolved mystery
>it's shit on purpose so it's good, deep art
Doesn't help that the B&B backstories Drebin calls you to tell you about are practically copypasted.
>She was [Emotion Animal]. When she was a kid in [Village], soldiers or some shit went and pillaged it, killing everyone in front of her. Then she hallucinated [Animal], who freed her and allowed her to kill every single one of the soldiers. When some rescue team or whatever found her she was alone, covered in the blood of her enemies, [Emotion]
What are you talking about? MGS3 was the last game in the franchise.
Snake was literally born evil, even when he thought he was doing the right thing it only ended up making the world worse. In the very end he found peace by being the last man standing, and even then only because Ocelot guided him and Big Boss told him he could go and be free. He tried to find free will and agency but it didn't work out.
Big Boss brought his hell upon himself at his own discretion. Instead of simply being a soldier, what he was best at, he opted to go full warlord in order to give other soldiers purpose and believe he fulfilled his own. Meanwhile Snake basically got kicked while he was down by everything but Otacon, he repeatedly tried to get away from all that shit and they just kept dragging him in because of being Big Boss's legacy. He even blamed himself for all the killing he had to do, disgusted by his "joy" in battle.
They didn't use his sperm, they used his genes and some science mumbo jumbo to give the twins all of Big Boss' genes.
Snakes egg donor was from a Japanese women and none of the twins look remotely Japanese because they don't have any of her genes.
Eva was their surrogate mother. r
They are clones, not true clones like Solidus but Big Boss states himself that he doesn't know if he should call Snake his son or his brother.
In terms of biology they are not Big Boss' sons they are like his twins.
>even when he thought he was doing the right thing it only ended up making the world worse.
What? Only scenario you could kind of apply it to was how the Guns of the Patriots ending led to the world having a technological recession.
I always felt bad for batman at the end of the arkham games. He sure gets beat up a lot.
Are you serious nigga
Literally from MG2 it's revealed everything Snake does goes to shit, like overthrowing Outer Heaven led to innocent civilians, who were even trying to resist, got firebombed by NATO, it was Big Boss who rescued them. In fact generally you could say killing Big Boss was disastrous for mankind because then nobody was able to stand up to the Patriots. In MGS2 even when he wasn't part of their simulation at all he helped Raiden and the S3 reach completion. He has always been their tool even when he wasn't. Sad!
MGS4 is 90% shit, but that final fight with Liquid Ocelot is great.
But MGS4 is just Kojima's headcanon. You should only take it seriously when Hideo is the one making it. As of now Snake's whereabouts are not known and whether he ages rapidly or not is a question. The argument that he probably doesn't when compared to Solidus who is his twin brother, but that was all just a simulation and the real Solid could've died in the tanker incident that the player is experiencing as a VR training of Raiden and not the real thing.
Because Peacewalker was its peak.
>He tried to find free will and agency but it didn't work out.
>Destroys countless Metal Gear units with Otacon as part of Philanthropy, so much so that his meme draws the ire of the patriots
Did you even play the games?
True, but he's has an IQ of 180, I'm sure he understands what parents are, he didn't have them, and then when he found out who they were he had already killed one of them.
He was a clone, with hand picked genes. He was genetically human but that about it. He never got to be human, he was a walking, talking weapon custom made for the sole purpose of killing.
amounted to nothing in the end and was spun into propaganda for their purpose, Snake himself had given up by the time of 4 because of how little a difference any of his actions made
>but that final fight with Liquid Ocelot is great
What is great about it? Ocelot was never the big bad of the series or archenemy of sorts and suddenly in MGS4 he is turned into one as a one-dimensional villain. It was cheap and retarded and just muh nostalgia muh changing health bars.
the hell are you on about, from MGS1 his purpose was hinted at to be much grander than what you expected
Kojima aside I was talking about fans of the series I've had discussions with. People always jackoff over mgs3. I didn't really care for it that much honestly and MGS is my favorite series.
Well it's true though, Snake never felt like a real man with actual feelings and emotions beyond anger, he was really just a weapon.
>his purpose was hinted
He was a triple-crossing agent of the patriots, not Snake's archenemy as MGS4 is trying to make him out to be.
It's because 3 is BB's little personal story while 2 is a timeless critique of the modern world. Brainlets can understand the former easily but not the latter. It's also more campy and less serious.
>Kojimas head cannon
They are the same person?
>Why couldn't this series end at MGS?
MGS was perfect evolution and ending to metal gear, snake chooses to not let his genes and his past define him and to live for life's own sake in spite of his fate
everything afterwards was just rehashing this
So you're just gonna ignore the build up in 3 for his character, and his set up for primary antagonist in 2?
No, Kojima killed Hideo sometime after he finished MGS3.
You must have missed the Hideo and Kojima memes from when the plot to MGSV got leaked.
Why didn't anyone stop him?
>a weird remake of MG2
>perfect evolution and ending to Metal Gear
Bahamut is a dick
I think 1 would have been a fine stopping point as well, but at least when 2 and 3 rehash the first one they do so with a different theme in mind and leave you thinking about essentially the same story completely differently, which I think is pretty cool.
yes that's why it's metal gear SOLID as in 3D
>he repeatedly tried to get away from all that shit and they just kept dragging him in because of being Big Boss's legacy
Maybe in MGS1, but in 2 he was voluntarily scouting out metal gears with Otacon.
I did lol I don't browse or post on Yas Forums really just recently because I've been playing a lot more due to recent circumstances. Strange tho because I follow multiple MGS meme accounts on FB
3 just shows his beginnings as a triple-crossing agent for the US gubmint. Remember what you see in 2 is questionable because the tanker incident is Raiden playing as Snake in VR and the endgame is again a manipulated reality just to measure Raiden after his investment in the simulation. It is a reenactment of the Shadow Moses incident and we don't even know how much of it, and if anything, is real at all. For all purposes Raiden could be unhooked from a machine and killed post credits. If you say but MGS4 exists or Rising exists, none of them were planned at the time and 2 was according to Kojima chronologically meant to be the last game.
How is that true?
Snake constantly shows feelings of sorrow, regret. Mostly negative but quite certainly more than just anger.
If you want to say he doesn't feel like a real man that can apply to BB as well, as they experience a similar range of emotions.