WebM: Your Favorite Videogame Edition

Make a WebM based on your favorite videogame.
Do not recycle someone else's. Post your own.

Attached: The Way It's Meant To Be Played.webm (480x270, 2.46M)

>Do not recycle someone else's. Post your own.
Lmao shut the fuck up

Bruh, just lie


Would you prefer if I called you a faggot?

Attached: LoXEGnZ.gif (638x358, 2.48M)

>filename goes directly to resetera
You're trying to hard on your first day

You expect me to have a reaction image folder when I can pull them off google? You do know you can put the url in the filename without ever having to save a thing? Of course you don't. You don't even know what boko means. Fuck off.

Attached: Nen.gif (286x204, 843.67K)

>still trying to fit in this hard

Attached: 1528769011255.gif (800x430, 897.09K)

Nu-Yas Forums is too retarded to make webms

Its 3 you moron

There's a program called WebM for Retards.
And there are people who still fuck it up. It amazes me.

Never forgetti.

Attached: Thief 03.31.2016 - (800x450, 2.86M)

Is that how the rest of the game is like?

That's the last level of the game about 2 rooms before the final boss.
Yeah it's pretty much all like that.
It's essentially a rebooted Deadly Shadows for silly billys.

and it was changed to "webm converter" or whatever because people whined

really shows you the state of the world

Attached: dodge ball.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

what game?

Bionic Commando 2009

Attached: 1587721442477.webm (480x270, 2.39M)

What the fuck is this it looks amazing

Is this supposed to be the good Thief?

I wish I could forget.

Attached: despair.jpg (662x807, 121.33K)

I like this one because it's a hold over from a mostly removed system from Witcher 3 which was sub-target damage like limbs/head/appendages.
Wither 3 was going to have a VATS like system at one stage of development that would let you cripple enemies in certain ways to change how they fight.
Currently the only remnant of that system is that parrying a hags tongue attack, a fairly difficult parry, will cut it off and it will only be able to use its claws.

Attached: Tongue.webm (800x450, 2.69M)

Attached: 1587493664244.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

Attached: rpcs3n6884_2018_06_05_16_29_13_389s.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Is he going to be okay?

>upgraded to an Nvidia card that could max Witcher 3 and it still had trouble running Mirror's Edge with PhysX on
What a world

What a shame.

Attached: AI downgrade in Mirror's Edge.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

i was playing this 5 min ago

Attached: Mirror's Edge™ 20_04_2020 21_26_19.png (1600x1024, 545.22K)

I don't know if AI downgrade is the right word to use because cos will still pursue you in Catalyst, they just fucking refuse to leave their little spawn cell in the open world even if you're less than 3 meters away.
It's more AI lobotomizing.

Turn off the reticule, ffs

nah stay mad

Attached: 30727075.jpg (720x720, 40.69K)

what game

>imagine looking up someones file name
how ironic retard

Attached: 1587668455839.jpg (750x851, 41.26K)