
here we go i'm looking for new games

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>+ Cuphead, Metal Gear Rising, Red Dead Redemption, DMC5, DS3, Bloodborn
>- Witcher 3
How is Red Dead 2? Thinking about picking it up but I've heard it's different from the original gameplay wise.

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3/4. MGR, DS3, Bloodborne. Really wanted to like Cuphead but I just couldn't get into it.

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Me too, if we're doing recommendations.
I'd suggest Nioh, Ninja Gaiden Black, Guijan 3, Gothic 2, Infamous, Super Metroid and Super Meat Boy.

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>Top row
Higurashi, Drakengard, Twilight Syndrome
>Middle row
Silent Hill, Metal Gear, 999
>Bottom row
ICO, Phantom of Inferno, Spy Fiction

NieR, MGR and NieR; Automata
When They Cry, Yakuza, Kill the Past and DrakeNieR

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recs here

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
Towelket 1-3
Corpse Party
Might and Magic 6
Azusa 999

>Ape Escape
The soundtrack and levels along with the whole look and control scheme is why this remains one of my all time favorites
Its a good racing game. The final boss cheats ffs. It felt good as hell to beat that gayylmao
>Soul Calibur 2
Learned about Tekken from this an having to ask my friend "who is this old dude?"
>MGS3: Subsistence
Sitting in a log using a directional mic to follow foot steps to make sure hes walking away from me made this memorable as fuck.
>Gitaroo man
Everything about it. The bootleg, doodle in a notebook cover art/style. The soundtrack. The story about a lil faggot becoming less of a faggot without realizing that is what he's doing.
>Viewtiful Joe
Taught me it was ok to like what you like. You sentai and anime loving cunt. Just don't be a complete faggot and have that be what all of your life is.
>Monster Hunter Freedom
Stealing that rathalos egg made me want to shit myself. Getting the rathalos armor made me feel like a GOD
>Guilty Gear Accent Core Plus
MANGA entertainment trailer, but its a game.
>Jak and Daxter
It being all one seamless world with like 0 loading screens really got me into it.

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the comrades ive lost.. wont stop hurting

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Red Dead 2 gameplay is basically the same as 1 just slower paced

>here we go i'm looking for new games
Good you need to. Everything you like is from the last 5-10 years. Look DEEPER. Find good old shit.

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what's 1 and 4 on row 2


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7/7 haven't played revengence or that dbz game.
2/2 Minecraft/ Shovel Knight
1/2 gravity rush, didn't like monster hunter
4/4 Fallout, moh, dmc, dod
1/1 Ico is my #10 so its barely not in pic related
2/3 Like ctr and jak didn't like mgs3
6/6 haven't played doa3, pgr, ninja gaident
3/4 dusk, dark souls, subnautica. Didn't like zelda

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How would you rank the individual campaigns of treasure trove?

spectre and king knight
shovel knight
plague knight
i dont care too much for showdown

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onett's theme is the best song in the whole game

Warband and DEFCON
>3/4 dusk, dark souls, subnautica. Didn't like zelda
>implying you have never played Tetris

Missed tetris. Apologies. I like tetris. Haven't played it since the 90s though so my opinion is hardly relevant.

plague knight would've been top tier if his levels weren't a copy of shovel's campaign

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rate others
4/4, I like yours

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I forgot about that game. So much fun though.
>marathon 2
my fellow african american

>shrek super slam

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>i'm looking for new games
Maybe try Nier Automata? The combat isn't as deep as Platinum usually gets, but crank the difficulty and its still a pretty wild ride.
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4/4 (Cuphead, Revengeance, BT3, DMC5); I've played Cuphead but don't own it. I figured I'd wait until they announce a DLC release date, but damn it's taking a while. I imagine COVID might put it months further out. Also play Aces Wild, Mechstermination Force, and the Metal Slug series.
3/4 (+Gen 5 +KDL3 +SKTT -Minecraft)
King > Plague > Shovel = Specter >>> Showdown
Play Spark The Electric Jester
1/1 (Revengeance); not sure what to recommend really. Capcom's D&D beat-em-ups maybe? Chronicles of Mystara is the collection on PC.
2/3 (+DMC3 +TS2 -FF); not quite sure what to recommend you either. Dark Messiah maybe?
3/3 (SCII, Viewtiful Joe, GGXX)
2/2 (NG, Halo 2); I only played the later DOAs and don't like them really, just feels like worse Virtua Fighter with more waifu characters (and even then most of the girls are boring, the only characters I like are Ryu, Ayane, Bass, Lisa, & Tina). Either way, try Titanfall 2.
5/5 (Worms, SMB3, Thief, Tetris, Super Monkey Ball); I'm not picking up enough of a pattern to recommend anything really.
3/3 (Starcraft, DMC5, DXHR); have you played Thief?
1/1 (Titanfall 2); haven't played many FPS other than TF2 so I can't really think of one with similar movement. First game that comes to mind when I think of "fun movement" is Prototype actually.
1/1 (Shrek Super Slam); any reason you like Sailor Moon over other beat-em-ups? Only just learned about it from your chart but it seems pretty standard. I've played the Super Famicom fighting game and that's great. If you want a great beat-em-up then as of right now my favorites are Ninja Warriors Once Again, Sengoku 3, & Ninja Baseball Bat Man.
2/3 (+MMZ2 +Emerald -Bioshock); Zero 2 JP boxart brother. Played Shovel Knight at all? Plague/Specter/King all have movement that feels really good for a 2D platformer; Shovel himself is more Belmont/Scrooge though.

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Should swap a few games maybe

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I’m begging ya, mention the games next times.

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Sweet 3x3.

6/6 good taste but having more than 1 souls is a tad cringe
are you me?

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ignore the second half, I have both for ease of use.

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