Listen very carefully. There is an available target of opportunity. Proceed to the Far Cry thread marked on your map...

Listen very carefully. There is an available target of opportunity. Proceed to the Far Cry thread marked on your map. Eliminate the target. Standard payment, in rough diamonds, will be transferred to your account on completion.

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Why do people say this WASN'T the best far cry game when it objectively was?

>Listen very carefully
Far Cry 2 sucks ass and always will.

Because 3 and 4 are much better

This game was not fun due to the way the AI was programmed. It was broken

It was okay, but it's the weakest of the Ubisoft Far Crys imo. Malaria was kind of annoying, and the infinitely respawning checkpoints were an absolutely horrible idea.

was there a terrible wii spinoff far cry or am i remembering wrong

Look at these retards and laugh.

Attached: ready.png (258x278, 26.49K)

best far cry

I think it was a port of the xbox version, which is amazing, but the wii controls were broken.

i claim the french broad as my waifu.

You have to be in a very specific mindset to enjoy this game over the others. Hell, at all.

>you have to literally fucking drive everywhere or take the bus
>enemies keep respawning at checkpoints so there's no purpose to actually taking them
>everyone's VA is held at gun point apparently so they talk really fast
>barely any plot except a half assed attempt at heart of darkness

Not to mention getting randomly run over by the vroom vroom jeep.

Basically if you're into masochism, play this.

how is it even possible for a single character to be so based bros

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i may be thinking of manhunt, actually
not too sure

Far Cry 2 apologists are worse than Star Wars prequels apologists.

It had a plot. The plot was, Africa fucking sucks

Theres like 2 girls in that game that just leaves the mayday looking nigress as an option

Reminder that The Jackal survived and began a new life in Hope County.

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Wait... but he said he will kill himsels after...THIS FUCKING LIAR

>game takes place in Africa
>no animals
what were they thinking? Isn't that a little more important than your meme fire propagation system that only gets used in tech trailers?

>survived all of that only to see crazy cultists who were right

>no animals
Have you played the game?

Is this bait?

Because it came after FarCry Instincts: Predator, aka the best FarCry.

>You can't break a man the way you break a dog or a horse. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands. To break a man's will, to break his spirit, you have to break his mind. Men have this idea that we can fight with dignity, that there is a proper way to kill someone. It's absurd. It's anaesthetic. We need it to endure the bloody horror of murder..."

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>Have you played the game?
>Is this bait?
when do you ever interact with an animal in Far Cry 2? Okay, so it's been like five years since i've played the game so if there's actually one animal in the game you can run over or something that's still pretty shitty for a game in Africa. I don't remember getting attacked by any alligators.

step aside plebs

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This game gets overlooked a lot, but I think it's actually pretty good. I wish there was a bit more weapon variety, though.

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So it was bait.

2 had the best pace, actually get a good feeling of crawling through the brush. Later ones were much faster, constant action. Like in 5 where you can't even fish for a few minutes without getting divebombed, obviously trying to appeal to a younger audience.

Far Cry 2 is one of those games you really want to like, but there are so many small, annoying things in it preventing you.