Why is Animal Crossing so good?
Why is Animal Crossing so good?
dunno lol
fourtune cookies for steps (nintendo items as a whole?)
police station (two missing characters)
--redd's and paintings-- got in update
perfect fruit
topical fruit
mini game island (seriously why)
swimming and diving (again, why)
happy home show case
dream land
gracie (and no "end game" activity like getting gracie into your town, which was pretty fun to do in new leaf)
resetti survalence center
no post office (3 missing characters there)
--bushes-- got in update
villagers asking to come hang out and visiting your house
how is this even allowed? this is worse than pokemon in terms of steps back
it's does not
slide thread
end of story
it's a Yas Forums-approved facebook game
because you are gay
Seriously. It's embarrassing how much content they took out of an already dry game and charged 20 extra dollars
>leaves out everything they've added
This is bad faith
1. Because it's wholesomely cute, and very relaxing.
2. It promotes community and family.
3. It gives a creative and expressive outlet.
4. It understands the fine balance between tedious work to satisfying reward.
5. It's a slow burn game. Unless you cheat, it will last you months.
>slide thread
Fuck off Yas Forumsschizo, go die of coronavirus at cheeto rallies
>facebook game
>A game created well before facebook
I don't normally say this, but please leave.
>crying this hard
What do you expect? People like that are merely trying to shut down the threads. They HATE that people are actually having fun.
>struggling this hard to come up with a retort
The intelligence of this board really has fallen.
detractors like you really understate how big of a deal putting furniture outside is. it's a huge step up in town design and opens up all sorts of ideas for customisation. that and terraforming and easily relocating villages makes for hours upon hours of decorating and customising fun. that alone more than makes up for content lost from prior entries, content that as we've seen could be coming back in future updates anyway
>inb4 hurr soulless new thing bad
Not even him, just thought it was funny how assmad you got
Sure you aren't. In that case I'm not him either. See how annoying it is?
that boy and girl are cute
did they...?
Wow this artist does quite a bit of furry stuff.
yes, on the froggy chair
I like AC too but I'm not picking up NH for a really stupid reason.
When I finally stop playing and come back later and see weed everywhere and my mail full of message from my villagers and said villagers saying they are leaving I always feel extremely heart broken, I got burn by it with CF and NL and don't want to experience that again.
Because you're one of the following:
A female
A toddler
A faggot
villagers cannot move out without permission in NH
There's an easy solution to this. Just don't stop playing. (Also, this is the one game in the series where it doesn't matter if they leave because you can just get them back with amiibos.)
I would feel even worse since they will be stuck in my shitty island full of weed and non stop sending me messages about when I'll come back or for my birthday that I will only see years later
Honestly i was mad about the cut content at first but realizing it prevents time travellers from instantly gaining access to all content I feel better about them adding the content via updates.
Means everyone has to wait.
Jesus man, how do you get through life?
By taking a lot of anti depressor
Weeds are nothing like they used to be and villagers will never leave unless you ask them to when they run up to you
You are weak
I TTed like 40 years and only got like 2 letters, no weeds, and no missing villagers.
NH doesnt care.
You actually don't have to feel bad about weeds either because weeds look really nice in this game. They redesigned their appearance so they look like nice flowers, they actually let you replant weeds if you want to because they look nice, and you can use them as crafting materials to make some cool items. I made a sweet hat out of weeds the other day and now I look like Raiden.
Weeds aren’t even bad In this game and they look pretty
Is it?
whats the original reaction image this is based off of? its bugs bunny looking down a hallway for gossamer or something right?