Just finished SWAT 4. Anybody wanna talk about it...

Just finished SWAT 4. Anybody wanna talk about it? I wanna get the general feel for the feelings on the game that everyone has before I make a video about it for my YouTube channel.

The only thing I can't get out of my head so far is how much my AI team-mates wouldn't take cover when getting shot at. It was very frustrating.

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>before I make a video about it for my YouTube channel.
stopped reading there, fuck off zoomer

Rent free

Is this bait? Can't really tell

>before I make a video about it for my YouTube channel.
Whoever you are, don't do it.

Why? I'm pretty sure i'm gonna give it a positive score. I feel like if Sseth or Mandalore was doing a video on SWAT, he wouldn't get nearly this negative reception.

Try playing SWAT 3, the AI there is leagues ahead of SWAT 4's, and I found the RoE system in 3 to be much more realistic

No, it's not bait. I literally just finished it and have a YouTube channel where I talk about video games. How is that hard to believe?

Can you do anything besides pepper spray and shooting beanbags at people to make them get down? It was really frustrating to have to have that shit on me all the time to force civilians to get down.

Because, we had enough.
I don't want more attention to this game, i want to leave it untouched. There is already a good established community, and i'm totally sure the most least thing they need, is more random interloopers with unknown intentions.

I understand why you feel that way, but I disagree. More people into a game community is always better.

Now replay it with the Elite Forces mod. It fixes a lot of the problems with the vanilla, such as the questionable AI behavior, aimbotting you in the head and adds some really cool shit, like the ability to issue orders via microphone, which works really well.

Did you not use the voice commands to make them give up? In the expansion pack you can punch them too, I think.


>More people into a game community is always better.
If you actually think in this way, then you don't understand my ways of feelings.

pick up your cpu

go to bed sseth or mandalore


EF is really comfy.

ummm, you're in my spot



it really isn't.

You're gatekeeping, and that's unfair for people who want to play. Maybe they won't be in your community and will start their own.

I prefer SWAT 3 but it has no meme factor and instead focuses on tactical gameplay.

Also zoomer don’t know about this game.

Attached: degredation of a hobby.jpg (2404x1260, 826.51K)

and you are a retard, go make your shitty video and post it on reddit scum

Well if nothing else you're definitely not the target audience of the video.

>wahhhh gatekeep bad
slit your throat nigger.

This is why we can't discuss games on Yas Forums

cry me a river faggot, enjoy your 2 views

Like others have said, SWAT 3 surprisingly has better AI in this aspect. You can also do some interesting approaches to the missions with the AI such as playing as a subordinate officer and not have to issue commands to your team. You could also have second SWAT team go in with you and you could choose to play on that second team if you wanted, either as a leader or subordinate.

you're just baiting. why the fuck would you want to talk about 15 year old game on Yas Forums so you can make some shitty youtube video. if you want to talk about the game then say so, but you don't want to.

I'm not even baiting. You can see me trying to discuss it here.I'm playing it with the Elite Forces mod RIGHT NOW because Yas Forums told me it was good in THIS THREAD

The gog release filled the multiplayer servers.
I had a blast playing for a month.
Good times with a good game.